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CIS Interparliamentary Assembly Commissions’ Sittings Take Place InY


Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
Oct 6 2005

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. NT was informed from the RA National
Assembly PR Department that the sittings of the Standing Commission
on Science and Education and the Standing Commission on Economic and
Financial Issues of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly (IA) were
held on October 5 in Yerevan. Mikhail Krotov, Secretary General of
the IA Council, said the drafts discussed will be put on the agenda
of the Assembly’s plenary session to be held in Saint Petersburg on
November 18.

The first sitting of the Standing Commission on Science and Education
covered the moral and legal aspects of biomedical studies conducted
in CIS member states. The sitting was in essence the international
conference’s first part attended by representatives of international
organizations conducting research in the field, as well as by European
and US experts. The speakers addressed the international legislation on
genetic studies and underlined the necessity to create an appropriate
legislative field in CIS member states.

In his speech, Maurisio Salvi of the European Commission discussed
issues of genetic tests, which, in his words, are of great significance
for further development of science. They are interesting from the
political point of view as well: the science on life and biotechnology
is of paticular strategical importance to Europe and ranks second on
the list of priorities after high technoligies. It was noted that the
democratic society must ensure that it will not be used for immoral
purposes or in violation of basic human rights. The creation of a gene
bank, according to M. Salvi, requires the citizen’s consent and should
be done in conditions of confidentiality and human rights protection.

Organizational issues and model laws of CIS countries were discussed
at the second sitting of the Commission.

The Commission made positive conclusions about the model bills
on innovation activities and on status of educational worker. The
discussion of the bill on nonstate higher educational institutions
was postponed on the grounds that the sphere is successfully regulated
by the Law on Education in some of the CIS member states.

Issues related to humanitarian cooperation and scientific and
educational integration were discussed by the Commission as well.

Positive decisions on the model bills on the state reserve and on
bankruptcy of banks were taken at the sitting of the CIS IA Standing
Commission on Economic and Financial Issues. The issue of applying
model laws in economy and the financial sector of the CIS IA member
states was also on the agenda. The participants indicated that model
laws encourage exchange of experience, and no need “to invent a new
bicycle” arises every time. The regular sitting of the Commission
will be held in February-March 2006 in Saint Petersburg.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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