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61-st Rose Roth Seminar “Security in the South Caucasus”

13:30 08/10/05

61-st Rose Roth Seminar ¡§Security in the South Caucasus¡¨

7 October 2005

Report by the Secretary of the National Security Council under the President
of the Republic of Armenia ¡V Minister of Defense Serzh SARGSYAN

Topic: Defense reforms in South Caucasus

Dear organizers, participants, guests

First of all I would like to greet the organizers and the participants of
the seminar and congratulate for arranging such an interesting and
overarching event. This is an excellent manifestation of productive
cooperation between National Assembly of Armenia and NATO Parliamentary

Modernity, regional significance and in general the global nature of the
chosen topic make us study it thoroughly and multilaterally to have an
ultimate understanding of many aspects of defense reforms in South Caucasus.

. Political Military situation in South Caucasus: Regional threats

South Caucasus has traditionally been a crossroad, where the interests and
contradictions of different security forces, military political force
centers, and different super powers have been focused. This fact has
definitely left its footprint on historic development course of the regional
states. In this sense South Caucasus is a specific region with its
geography, history, culture, demography and with other factors
characterizing its security environment. It is a crossroad of different
ethnic groups, religions, cultures, and civilizations, transportation routes
of international importance. Although South Caucasus occupies a relatively
small area in geographical sense, nations have different world perception
given their historical-cultural development, language and as a consequence
national psychological features. These nations have for centuries been
involved in wars of empires and instilling hatred and enmity between them
was one of the effective ways for empires to achieve their goals and
interests. As a result international distrust has been shaped in the region,
often aggravating into atmosphere of hostility.

The main part of existing international conflicts in the region have their
roots in soviet period, since the demarcation lines in the South Caucasus
were drawn neglecting ethnographic and demographic factors.

After the breakdown of the Soviet Union South Caucasus found itself in a
security environment facing internal and external regional threats. Internal
regional threats are predominantly due to the existence of international
conflicts and armed conflicts. Being at the crossroad of interests between
East and West, Europe and Asia, Russia and USA, today the South Caucasus
continues to bear the impact of contest among these interests. The mentioned
factors bring about additional stimulus for different international security
systems to amplify the leverages on regional states¡¦ defense and security
systems. This is the very reason that the areas providing security and the
developments taking place here are prioritized and possibly politicized in
the regional states. What refers to the security systems and military
structures of South Caucasian states, it is worthy to note that these were
established during armed conflicts in all three states. Armed Forces being
organized under such conditions did not set the goal of being led by
international standards, which is a complex and time consuming process. They
were seeking to apply traditional and non-traditional methods to settle
interethnic problems through military means. It is understandable that all
the resources ¡V economic potential, traditions, armaments, tactics and
goals bore the imprint of the Soviet Union. However, under these
circumstances Armenian defense complex managed to withstand Azerbajanian
forces prevailing in strength and armaments and to provide both the security
of the population of the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

Thus, under such military-political conditions numerous threats come to the
fore, which are related to any of the South Caucasus States and have
symmetrical and asymmetrical nature.

As symmetrical threats of regional security may be viewed regional unsettled
conflicts and perspectives of their settlement through military means,
blockade of regional economic-transportation routes, unsatisfactory course
of democratization, disproportional development of regional states,
differentiated approach of external regional powers and international
community to regional states.

As asymmetrical threats of regional security may be viewed international
terrorism and the attempt of performing international terrorist network
activities in the region, regional intolerance and atmosphere of distrust,
seeding of international enmity, disinformation.

Here it is also worthy to mention another important thing: symmetrical and
asymmetrical threats are interwoven and the existence of the one may cause
the derivation of the others. For example, atmosphere of intolerance and
distrust may be easily abused by international terrorist organizations to
breed a fertile ground to resume military operations in South Caucasus
conflict areas.

All these threats have common nature that no country in the region is able
to avoid. Their ultimate defusion is impossible by individual efforts,
without the assistance of international community and reforms in security
and defense structures. In my opinion, this is the very goal that the
defense reforms in the South Caucasus are to be targeted at.

. Factors impacting defense reforms in South Caucasus

When speaking about defense reforms in South Caucasus those major factors
generating from regional political-military situation, which predetermine
the direction of defense reforms here, should be taken into consideration.

The first and the major factor is related to the existing conflicts that
three South Caucasus states are involved in: Armenia and Azerbaijan ¡V
Nagorno Kharabakh conflict, Georgia ¡V Abkhazia and South Ossetia. ¡§No
peace, no war¡¨ status greatly impacted on further development of military
components as well as foreign policy of regional states and state
development direction. As a result of these unsettled conflicts military
factor plays a considerable role in state efforts of construction both in
Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Moreover there are many forces in regional
countries and especially in Azerbaijan that are guided by the destructive
desire of settling conflicts through military means. These forces shape an
atmosphere of intolerance by their bellicose policy, which involuntarily
impacts on comprehensive defense reforms in Armenia and makes the
authorities of the Republic of Armenia evince cautiousness. However it is
noteworthy to mention, that by the support of international organizations,
if not final settlement, at least, if possible to put it this way,
¡§stable¡¨ and ¡§guaranteed¡¨ freezing of the conflicts opens opportunities
to conduct gradual defense reforms.

The second important factor impacting on defence reforms in South Caucasus
are international new threats. Realizing these threats and especially the
effective struggle against international terrorism drastically changes
traditional security perceptions. If we cast a glance on the activities of
international terrorist organizations and the frames of counter-terrorist
military operations, we will notice that South Caucasus occupies
geographically central place within these frames. South Caucasus is a
crossroad ¡V a transit zone for Chechen, Arab-Israel, Iraqi, Afghan
terrorist pockets. Here, under conditions of weak state structures,
imperfect mechanisms to combat terrorism and under conditions of
international conflicts, an opportunity to establish terrorist network and
activities is open.

One of the main factors impacting on defense reforms in South Caucasus is
the European integration policy adopted by regional states. This policy
gives wide opportunities to be involved in European security structures and
to take advantage of their experience and advice. In general, intensive
reforms conducted in international defense and security structures, in
individual states, adopting new approaches, development of new mechanisms
attest that development of common strategy, improvement of interoperability
mechanisms, rapid response and peacekeeping forces, mobile teams and etc.
come to overtake traditional defense structures. These factors expedite
international integration processes in defense area.

South Caucasus states have also entered into a resolute stage of European
integration. It leaves its positive influence on directing defense reforms
of regional states in synergy with the principles of overall European
security system restructuring. Particularly both Armenia, Georgia and
Azerbaijan are involved in international stabilization processes. It
contributes to establish rapid response and peacekeeping forces in these
states in line with international standards and fully interoperable with
international forces. Anyhow there is a specific feature: three South
Caucasus states conduct integration separately` refusing internal regional
integration. Notwithstanding Armenia makes suggestions to establish regional
security system through cooperation and integration. It is clear that the
absence of internal regional integration and cooperation makes it impossible
to fully provide the security despite individual reforms in security
structure of South Caucasus states. Thus the absence of internal regional
integration essentially impacts on the nature and direction of defense

In general positive and negative factors impacting defense reforms in South
Caucasus are numerous and miscellaneous which account for the cautiousness
of South Caucasus states to implement defense reforms.

. Standpoints of regional states on defense reforms: differences and
generalities Regional and international threats and South Caucasus European
Integration direction requires equivalent reforms from regional states.
However the nature, objectives, intensity and direction of reforms are
different in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Differences in standpoints of three South Caucasus states in implementing
defense reforms are due to different perception of providing security and
defusing threats: these differences are widely displayed in the perceptions
of Armenia and Azerbaijan. For example, on the issue of Nagorno Karabakh
conflict settlement we are guided by the principle of ¡§Partnership for
Peace¡¨, suggesting to reach mutual confidence and stability through
cooperation, which is the primary precondition for the conflict resolution.
Azerbaijan, to the contrary, connects the establishment of cooperation with
the settlement of the conflict and rebuffs any suggestion of cooperation
until conflict resolution.

Having in circulation the option of settling Nagorno Karabakh conflict
through military means, authority circles of Azerbaijan have the vision of
reforming Armed Forces and enhancing the capabilities truly by militarized
means. To this end military expenses are multiplied in Azerbaijan year by
year. Moreover, the recent statement of Aliev on doubling the military
budget in 2006 is a challenge of arms race. Armenia, to the contrary, offers
complete exclusion of military settlement of the conflict to reach success
in defense reforms. This will give an opportunity not to weave defense
reforms with the conflict resolution and embark upon more practical steps.
But not receiving desirable response, Armenia has to and is ready to
withstand rude force with force. Armenia and Azerbaijan hold contradictory
opinions of issues on establishing regional security system and regional
integration. Both the official circles of Armenia and the representatives of
International community have made suggestions from different platforms on
this issue, every time Azerbaijan¡¦s refusal to start any cooperation.
Moreover, by this stance Azerbaijani authorities incite other countries also
to refusal. Frankly speaking, such a standpoint casts doubt on the desire of
Azerbajanian authorities to conduct defense reforms in line with
international standards.

In this hostile atmosphere to have a numerous army becomes a priority for
Armenia. We certainly realize that keeping a numerous army is not in line
with our aspirations and priorities of European integration, democratization
and reforms. However, in contrast with other priorities, which predominantly
generate from our national natural interests, having a numerous Armed Forces
is a compelling priority, a reliable guarantee to provide security.

On different occasions I have noted that most effective way to provide
military security and strengthen Armed Forces capabilities is military
integration and reforms. This strategy is important to meet the military
needs of the Armed Forces and to provide their stable development.

To have a stable security system Armenia is actively getting involved in
different security systems. Today Armenia cooperates within NATO and CSTO
/Collective Security Treaty Organization/, which contributes to the
establishment of Armenian Armed Forces interoperability capabilities by
different international standards. Therefore, both Armenian-Russian military
alliance within bilateral and CSTO frameworks and enhancement of cooperation
with NATO organizations and USA are the guarantees providing Armenia¡¦s
security. Through Armenia-NATO cooperation Armenia implements defense
reforms within the frameworks of PARP and IPAP. Reform strategy within CSTO
is targeted at establishing a joint and effective system to defuse security

Despite differences in standpoints of South Caucasus countries on defense
reform issues, there is a circumstance inspiring hope for their successful
implementation: defense reforms in three countries proceed in the course of
international integration.

We also realize, that defense reforms constitute only a part of overall
process of advanced development of statehood i.e. establishing legal state
and civil society. In this process the establishment of all legislative,
defense, social, economic, democratic institutions and the area of
institutional reforms are interconnected and symbiotic, and cannot develop
separately. Defense reforms conducted in regional states should be viewed in
the context of developing the countries through reforms and democratization
as one integral process, one system. It is impossible to build reformed,
transparent and modern Armed Forces in economically and socially weak
countries lacking democratic traditions and principles. Therefore, not only
cooperation with NATO must be taken full advantage of but also with other
European structures Council of Europe, OSCE, EU, the assistance of advanced
European institutes in this sphere, ¡§European Neighborhood policy¡¨,
Consultations of Venice commission for Democracy through Law, etc. Armenia
is resolute in its decision to be guided by this principle.

. The nature of defense reforms in South Caucasus region

I have already noted that defense reforms in South Caucasus with their
positive and negative aspects proceed in the spirit of European integration.
Cooperation with Euro-Atlantic Alliance plays a considerable role in these
reforms, since it is NATO who urges supports and assists in reforms.

What refers to the nature of defence reforms, as a result of consistent
policy in recent two years they have become more institutionalized`
engulfing real and specific goals. Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan have
joined PARP and IPAP by presenting all those goals that cooperation with
NATO is to be targeted to implement them.

By joining IPAP, Armenian on the whole presumes the following major reforms
in defense field: – Development of National Security Strategy

Although National Security Strategy will be developed for a transitional
period it will allow three South Caucasus states to reconfirm defending
nature of their activities aimed at providing national security supporting
the establishment of atmosphere of mutual confidence by that. Particularly
in Armenia¡¦s case once again it will be proclaimed that our country is for
peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict and is determined to
implement policy of integration to European structures. By 2007 Republic of
Armenia plans to develop the National Security Strategy and table it for
broad public discussions.

– Development of Defense Concept

Armenia greets NATO initiative to support the development of Strategy
Documents in South Caucasus states. Defense Concept of the Republic of
Armenia, which will be in harmony with the defense provisions defined by the
National Security Strategy, will be widely spread among population and will
be approved in 2007. It will also be submitted to the discussion of the
National Assembly of Armenia, which will provide the basis for near-term and
long-term defense planning. Defense Concept of Armenia will describe the
role and mission of Armenian Armed Forces and will serve as a principle
document to direct reform efforts. It will provide a single united strategic
direction for the Armed Forces and for other Government officials
responsible for national defense. Broad circulation of Defense Doctrine
across the country will foster public discussions on defense issues and will
provide support to meet military needs identified in the document. Defense
Strategy will play an important role to guide the efforts of Armenian Armed
Forces reforms and modernization.

– Defense system and particularly defense planning and budgeting reform
Reforming this area will give an opportunity to use defense resources more
effectively supporting the balance between economic growth and defense
expenditures. It will greatly enhance the defense budget transparency, which
will also contribute to strengthen mutual confidence in a stable security

– Strategic Defense Review

This process will give an opportunity to develop and implement plans for
Armed Forces improvement and transformation in accordance with tasks defined
by strategic documents. The process, which is planned to conduct during
defense reforms, will also continue after the completion of reforms becoming
a tool for Armed Forces assessment and continuous modernization.

– Defense Legislation and Administration Review

Through this review it will be possible to identify the shortfalls in
defense legislation and make necessary amendments to the legislation in
parallel with defense reforms. The present legislation /¡¨Law on Defense¡¦,
¡§Law on Mobilization¡¨, ¡§Law on Liability for Military Service¡¨, ¡§Law on
Entering to Military Service¡¨ and other laws/ will need to be changed after
Constitution reforms and approvement of National Security Strategy.
Amendments have already been made in defense legislation of the Republic of
Armenia. Particularly amendments were made to the ¡§Law on liability for
military service¡¨ of RA in October 2000, on 3rd July 2002 ¡§Law on entering
to Military Service¡¨ was adopted, and ¡§Law on Alternative Military
Service¡¨ of RA was adopted on 17 December 2003 and amended on 29 January

– Increasing the system of democratic-public control of the Armed Forces
will in its turn contribute to the enhancement of Armed Forces transparency
and will provide more public support to the state defense policy. It is
necessary to use the existing mechanisms when conducting events to increase
democratic control in regional states by expanding and improving them year
by year, training appropriate specialists and conducting public awareness

– Input of civilian personnel in the Armed Forces of the Republic of
Armenia Implementation of the above mentioned reforms will automatically
necessitate the input of civilian personnel in the Armed Forces system. MOD
will require civilian experts well aware of defense policy principle
provisions and able to manage different spheres of national defense
structure. Civilian experts can greatly contribute to the development of
defense policy, legislative collaboration, legal advice, resource
management, public affairs and procurements. Increasing the number of
civilian experts handling issues of defense policy development and planning
will assist Armenia to achieve her National Security goals.

As a result of the above mentioned activities the opportunity of
interoperability with European and Euro-Atlantic structures, institutional
and conceptual compatibility will be expanded, without any harm at all to
its cooperation within CSTO.

Anyhow the true desire and the real understanding by the heads of regional
states and public awareness policy based on that understanding is of primary
significance to successfully conduct the reforms. This is the only possible
way to smooth out existing contest, sometimes-even hostility between
regional nations. Obviously it is impossible to reach stability and
prosperity in South Caucasus when the head of one state speaks about
European integration, compromising and peaceful settlement of conflicts,
regional cooperation, but at the highest political level of the neighboring
state bellicose statements are made, thus seeding own people with hostility
and intolerance against the neighboring nation.

I am confident that the continuation of impartial and balanced policy course
towards Armenia and Azerbaijan by NATO and European institutions, efforts
seeking to establish an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual confidence will
uphold South Caucasus states to achieve cooperation through reforms and to
peace and stability through cooperation.

Thank you.

Karakhanian Suren:
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