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Different Views


| 18:06:49 | 07-10-2005 | Economy |


RA will need about 367 years to return the population deposits of Soviet
years. To this conclusion came member of United Labor Party Grigor Ghonjeyan
after making simple arithmetic calculations.

Next year the parliament foresees for the repayment of deposits 1 mlrd
drams, that is to say $2 mln 200 thousands. General debt counts about 8
miliard roubles /800 mln dollars/. Dividing the last figure into the second
one Grigor Ghonjeyan got 367.

Armenian PM Andranik Margaryan thinks that `all this is just a farce’,
taking into account that there’s no clear indexation, program approach, and
continuance is also under doubt.

Leader of Republican Party of Armenia Galoust Sahakyan doesn’t agree with
this view, «as in this case there are neither elected nor voters». Mr.
Sahakyan thinks if this should be done in 2007, on the threshold of next
general elections.

Galoust Sahakyan considers returning of deposits non-efficient both for the
state and the population, though PM Andranik Margaryan had noted that 1
milliard drams will be marked out on that purpose in the budget of 2006.

Tavakalian Edgar:
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