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If People Are Not Hypnotized “Yes” is impossible


| 15:40:07 | 08-10-2005 | Politics |


‘No’ to the constitutional amendments would mean `no’ to the authorities.
This is the opinion of the opposition. If the people adopt the amendments
would it mean `no’ to the opposition. `Certainly the parliamentary
opposition is convinced that the nation by no means will adopt the
Constitution proposed by Robert Kocharyan’, Justice faction member Grigir
Harutyunyan says. `I do not doubt that the people will reject the amendments
of course of mass hypnoses will not take place’, National Unity Secretary
Alexan Karapetyan says.

Grigor Harutyunyan does not rule out that the outcome of the referendum will
be undesirable for the opposition. However it would be progress of the
society had an opportunity to express opinion. However presently it is just
a dream’, Grigor Harutyunyan says.

Alexan Karapetyan position is a little different. The National Unity does
not impose its opinion to the voters. If the referendum fails the
authorities will have to adopt the proposals of the National Unity on the
dissolution of the parliament and conduction of extra parliamentary and
presidential election’, he says

In Grigor Harutyunyan’s opinion, even if the amendments are adopted via
fraud, it will bring no stability, since no single document will function at
the incumbent authorities.’

Diana Markosyan

Nargizian David:
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