CR: Azerbaijan

Congressional Record: October 7, 2005 (Extensions)
>From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access []

of texas
in the house of representatives

Friday, October 7, 2005

Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, Azerbaijan is an important strategic ally for
the United States. The Country is located in a region that can produce
and transport energy products to the West. As well as provide military
and intelligence capabilities to the United States.
Azerbaijan is an emerging major non-OPEC oil producer and transit
country (i.e, Baku-Ceyhan pipeline), which will supply 1.6 million
barrels a day after being operational December 2005. This will
stabilize the other energy producing countries (oil and gas) in the
region and their ability to get their product to the marketplace
without the dependency of Russia or Iran.
Azerbaijan is a front line positioned state for military and
intelligence access to Iran. This will act as a stabilizing effect for
the region and fight off the aggressive position of Iran. It will also
work against terrorist activities spread by fundamental terrorist who
have the support of Iran.
Azerbaijan is the first Muslim state to provide troops to the U.S.
backed coalitions in Iraq., Afghanistan and Kosovo. To date, they are
the only Shiite Muslim state to provide troops.
Azerbaijan is in the vanguard of the emerging democracies from the
former Soviet Union. Azerbaijan has parliamentary elections scheduled
November 6, 2005, and is moving forward with international support to
assure free and fair elections. Azerbaijan has allowed opposition
parties the right to organize, protest, and access public television.
Azerbaijan maintains excellent relations with the State of Israel,
both, diplomatically and economically including providing crude oil.
Azerbaijan is a strong strategic partner with the United States and
is cooperating in United States activities regarding Caspian regional
security overseeing Iran (e.g., Caspian Guards program, radar system,
fly-over rights and re-fueling capacity).
Azerbaijan is a strategic asset given its presence as a strong United
States-Israel ally next to Iran. Azerbaijan welcomes trade with Israel
and stronger ties between the two countries.
Iran has threatened Azerbaijan due to cooperation with Israel and the
United States Iran continues to inform Azerbaijan that their strong
relations with the United States and Israel will not be beneficial, as
Iran is their neighbor.
The Iran military enters Azerbaijan airspace weekly and Iran has made
claims on Azerbaijan’s offshore oil and gas exploration.
Iran has attempted to spread Madrassas schools in Azerbaijan and
Azerbaijan has resisted.
Iran pressures Azerbaijan to abolish visas between the two countries,
which would lead to less control and more Iranians infiltration into
Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is resisting this effort.
Occupied Azerbaijan (NK Region) is on the Iranian border, where
alleged terrorist camps, narcotic trafficking and weapons trading goes
on. Since Armenia has occupied this region of Azerbaijan, almost 16
percent of the total country, this activity has existed with the
support of Iran. Azerbaijan is defenseless in trying to stop this
activity, as long as Armenia occupies this region.