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Anti-Preaching Headquarters Formed


| 19:46:54 | 12-10-2005 | Politics |

“The Justice bloc says no to the Constitutional amendments”, after
the 2-hour session of the bloc announced secretary Viktor Dallakyan
who will act as coordinator of the works of the anti-preaching

According to him, “There are two things the structure must do – hold
meetings with the people and do organizational work with the observers’
missions and the representatives of the bloc in the Committees”.

October 18 and 19 meetings will be held in Aragats and Martouni. The
table of the rest of the meetings will be cleared later. Possibly the
Justice bloc will soon make a joint announcement with the National
Unity. According to Viktor Dallakyan, he has already spoken with
Artashes Geghamyan.

By the way, during the session two variants of saying “No” were
discussed – to vote or to boycott. According to the People’s Party
secretary Grigor Haroutyunyan, except the National Democratic Union
which has already announced about its intention to boycott the
referendum, the rest of the parties have chosen the first strategy.

According to him, as the blocs are not allowed to create a fund, the
parties to raise money for the anti-preaching. “And we are not going
to tell you where from as we do not want to risk those businessmen
who may finance us”, he added.

Member of the Republican Party political Council Smbat Ayvazyan said
that the Party has made offers which will be discussed during the
bloc session.

And founder of the “National Renaissance” Albert Bazeyan thinks that
they can decide whether to boycott or not even three days before
the referendum.

What is important is that they must be accompanied with acts of
complaints, “otherwise the boycott will be too passive”.

Mamian George:
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