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ANKARA: M.G.K. Secretary General: Turkey And N Cyprus Have DoneEvery


The Anatolian Times, Turkey
Oct 14 2005

ANKARA – “Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)
have done everything they could to find a solution to the Cyprus
issue,” said Turkish National Security Council (MGK) Secretary-General
Yigit Alpogan.

Speaking at a seminar hosted by German-American Fulbright Commission
in association with the Turkish Fulbright Commission on “Turkey’s
Geo-Political and Security Concerns” in Ankara on Thursday, Alpogan
highlighted importance of national security.

He said, “threats such as international terrorism, weapons of mass
destruction, organized crimes, illicit drug trafficking and human
smuggling have been high on agenda of the world since the attack on
twin towers of the World Trade Center complex on September 11th.”

Referring to the Cyprus issue, Alpogan said, “Turkey and the TRNC
have done everything they could to find a solution to the Cyprus
issue. Turkish Cypriot people supported UN Secretary-General Kofi
Annan’s plan in the referendum last year but they were punished. On
the other hand, Greek Cypriot people rejected the plan but they
were awarded.”

Upon a question, Alpogan said, “Armenians should take three steps
to resolve the problems between Turkey and Armenia. First of all,
Armenians should recognize the international border between Turkey
and Armenia which was drawn under the Kars Agreement. Then they should
give up describing eastern Anatolia as ‘western Armenia’. They should
also put an end to their allegations of genocide.”

Replying to a question about the terrorist organization PKK, Alpogan
said, “PKK is a part of international terrorism. It does not aim to
defend people living in southeastern Turkey.”

Upon a question on northern part of Iraq, Alpogan said, “Turkey wants
to see Iraq as a whole. Division of Iraq can lead to instability and
serious problems in the region.”

Responding to another question, Alpogan said that Turkey aimed to
set up good neighborly relations with Iran.

Meanwhile, U.S. Charge d’affaires in Ankara Nancy McEldowney said
that Turkey and the United States needed each other since they had
many regional and global interests in common.

McEldowney called on German and American journalists to introduce
Turkey to the world and Europe.

Hakobian Adrine:
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