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TABDC Hails Turkey/EU Talks

PRESS RELEASE 12,10,2005
TABDC EU (BELGIUM) :Tel : 32 (495) 77 08 67.
TABDC (TURKEY) : Tel: 90 (212) 236 00 17 Fax: 90 (212) 259 72 51
TABDC (ARMENIA) :Tel: 374 (10) 35 11 80 Fax: 374 (1) 35 12 40
TABDC (USA) :Tel: 1 (516) 869-7525 Fax: 1 (516) 365-0560
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Email : tabdc@tabdc.org


Discovering Common Grounds of Economic Cooperation
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October 3rd was a historic day for Turkey and for the European Union as it
marks the official launch of negotiations that should lead to Turkey joining
the European Union. The Turkish Armenian Business Development Council
welcomes this decision and looks forward to the long period of negotiations
ahead of us as a unique opportunity for the citizens of the EU and of Turkey
to come to know, and learn from, one another.

The talks ahead are likely to be difficult at times. Yet the obvious
reluctance of significant sections of the European public to envisage
Turkey’s membership of the European Union cannot be overcome through
traditional diplomatic arm-wrestling or geopolitical arguments. Turkey does
not seek to join the European Union out of fear of rejection, but because it
genuinely aspires to being part of the European project.

We therefore look forward to seeing the Turkish Government and Turkish civil
society embrace their EU counterparts with self-confidence, and a genuine
aspiration to joining a human community spanning the European continent.

Armenians are a part of that community. The government of Turkey can and
should use this historic moment to reach out to the Armenian Diaspora of the
European Union and generate goodwill among them: they are citizens of the
European Union and will be sharing the European home with Turks. Turkey must
urgently engage with the Armenian Diaspora and actively transform its
relationship with them, just as the Armenia Diaspora should now seek to
engage with Turkey. Such a move would undoubtedly gain Turkey many other
friends in the process.

The Republic of Armenia is also aspiring to be the part of the European
Union. It is self-evident that a cooperative relationship between both
countries would serve both their interests, and greatly advance their EU
ambitions. Turkey has established no relations yet with its small neighbour,
and the issue is bound to plague the accession process. A powerful country,
a recognised democracy, Turkey must recognize that a benign policy towards
Armenia is an effective and lasting way to enhance its influence and
prestige. A policy shift in this respect would be a sign, not of weakness,
but of sound policy-making.

The TABDC looks forward to a period of creative problem-solving, and stands
ready to assist in the process where it can.


Taslakhchian Andranik:
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