Main Industry Production Increased

15:14 07/03/06

The companies working in the sphere of main industry and recycling
have produced production of 14.3 milliard drams, production of 13.8
milliard drams have been realized, the exported production reached
7.3 milliard drams. Today the head of Ministry of Economic Development
department of main industry Arthur Ashughyan at the press conference.

In 2005 the production of Zangezour copper-molybdenum factory was
87 milliard drams. As A. Ashughyan mentioned the prices of buildings
materials were high throughout all year round.

The modernization of “Armenal” was going on during last year. The
factory had already produced the first 100 tones of its production.

“We hope the working regime of the factory will be improved in a
couple of months,” he mentioned.