Opp Leader warns Armenia not to let US peacekeepers into Karabakh

Opposition leader warns Armenia not to let US peacekeepers into Karabakh

Regnum, Moscow
9 Mar 06

9 March: The future development of events in the South Caucasus region
will depend on the further progress of the situation around Iran’s
nuclear programme, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Armenia
[DPA], MP Aram Sarkisyan, has told a news conference at the National
Press Club.

If the UN Security Council takes a decision to apply sanctions against
Iran, the regional countries may turn into a military firing range, he

The Armenian politician believes that the USA will not need Armenian
territory to launch hostilities against Iran, Azerbaijan and Georgia
can do this. “It cannot be ruled out that Azerbaijan will agree to
provide its territory in exchange for pledges that the Nagornyy
Karabakh issue will be settled in its favour,” Aram Sarkisyan said.

“Everyone understands that in the context of a possible war against
Iran, the USA will need to station its peacekeeping contingent in the
zone of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. If Armenia agrees to the
deployment of peacekeepers in the conflict zone, it will be its
biggest mistake. This will not lead to a new Kosovo but will further
complicate the situation,” Sarkisyan said.

He believes that the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan have
promised the superpowers that they will sign an accord on a settlement
to the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict which also stipulates the deployment
of NATO peacekeepers. “Nothing was signed at the presidents’
Rambouillet talks, which certainly disappointed the superpowers. It is
not by chance that the USA is recalling its ambassador to Armenia,
John Evans. This means that the country is altering its policy,” Aram
Sarkisyan said.

He also stressed that Ambassador John Danilovich, chief executive
officer for the Millennium Challenge Corporation, had invited Armenian
President Robert Kocharyan to Washington.

“The president will either be suggested a new option for the Karabakh
settlement or obliged to sign the already existing option,” the DPA
leader said. He added that “the existing option is unacceptable for
Armenia”. “It cannot be ruled out that Robert Kocharyan will resign,”
the MP said.