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Zharangutiun Party Is Going To Apply To Prosecutor General With ADem


Noyan Tapan
Mar 09 2006

YEREVAN, MARCH 9, NOYAN TAPAN. “Today, or as a last resort tomorrow in
the morning we are going to apply to the Armenian Prosecutor General
with a demand to immediately restore the constitutional order in the
country and to immediately restore the Zharangutiun (Heritage) party’s
activity,” Vardan Khachatrian, Zharangutiun party Political Secretary,
declared in his interview to Noyan Tapan correspondent. According to
him, as a result of unknown persons’ entering the party headquarters
ang changing the locks on March 4, the party members aren’t able to
come into their office where the whole documentation and archives
necessary for party’s normal activity are. As V.Khachatrian estimated,
in fact, the party’s activity was blocked and the party, in essence,
appeared in isolation from the whole political field. He expressed
bewilderment in connection with the conduct of the Director of Hakob
Paronian Theater of Musical Comedy, in which a room has been rented by
the party for already 12 years, at that, the rent term expires only
in June. Meanwhile, he gave assurance that the office door couldn’t
have been sealed by the instruction of the theater Director Karapet
Shahbazian: “The theater director had no powers to do this, this
is, in essence, a provocation carried out by the authorities”. The
politician was also surprised at the circumstance that K.Shahbazian
advised the party to apply to the State Property Department motivating
this by the fact that the building is within the jurisdiction of
the department. But the following answer came from this instance:
“There is no such property on the department’s balance”. “We appeared
in a regular theater of distorting mirrors, a way out of which can
become our actions, namely: to apply to the Prosecutor’s Office, which
controls the constitutional order, and to find out its attitude towards
all this. The attitude of the Prosecutor General will unanimously
show the authorities’ position and to what extent they are involved
in this,” Vardan Khachatrian declared. Besides, !

according to him, the Prosecutor’s attitude will condition the further
processes in this issue. He informed that the party plans to hold a
press conference where its position to these events will be presented
more minutely and at which, possibly, commentaries will be given
“to the party’s next logical steps”.

Nargizian David:
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