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Tehran: Iranians To Record Another Symphony In Armenia


IranMania News, Iran
March 16 2006

LONDON, March 16 (IranMania) – Once again, Iranian musicians Shahin
Farhat and Loris Tjeknavorian will travel to Yerevan in May to record
a new symphony with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, MNA reported.

The symphony, which was composed by Farhat, is entitled ?Martyrs?.

Farhat?s ?Iranian Lady Symphony?, ?Damavand Symphony?, and ?Persian
Gulf Symphony? were also recorded in Armenia.

?Martyrs? has been composed in four movements. The first movement has
an epic theme, and the second movement is dominated by calm melodies
borrowed from the folk music of central and southern Iran.

The third movement shifts to the stirring rhythm of war, and the
fourth inspires one with the joy of triumph.

Iran?s Sorush Institute is to release the Persian Gulf Symphony during
the Noruz (Iranian New Year) holidays, which begin on March 21. Last
month, Farhat said that if Sorush continued delaying the release of the
symphony, he would release it without lyrics through another company.

A strong sense of patriotism permeates all of Farhat’s works.

Harutyunian Christine:
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