Categories: News

Kenya: Tell Us The Truth About Armenians

Ratemo James Onsoti, Maseno University

Daily Nation , Kenya
March 19 2006

Publication Date: 3/20/2006
The unfolding events about the alleged Armenian mercenaries are truly
mind-boggling, fascinating and awesome.

As the saying goes, where there is smoke there is fire. I am simply
appalled by the accusations and counter-accusations between the
Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leaders and the Government over this
sensitive issue.

Seemingly the ODM luminaries Kalonzo Musyoka and Raila Odinga have
a lot to divulge only that time doesn’t seem right. On the other
hand, the Government is obviously concealing the damning truth about
the saga, but like a pressure cooker, I am sure it will explode on
their face.

What we are seeing in the Press is nothing but injured beasts and
rattle snakes terribly struggling to cling onto life.

According to reports in the press last week, the Kenya Airports
Authority security officials were not informed of the presence
of the two Armenians at the centre of the mercenary claims when
the foreigners addressed a press conference at the Jomo Kenyatta
International Airport.

The fact that Commandant Moses Nyakwama and his CID counterpart Judy
Ndeda were not in the know over the presence of the foreigners and
even their press conference leaves a lot to be desired.

A seemingly powerful hand or an enraged rattle snake, able to bypass
formal procedures, must be behind the whole saga.

Why are the Armenians being handled like small gods by the police?

Why have they not been arrested yet they have made grave remarks about
a plot to overthrow the Government? Why and who is protecting them?

Their lawyer is another perfect source of information on who the men
really are. How come he staged a perfect press conference without
raising eyebrows? Surely there must be foul play here.

Now to my icon Musyoka: I know you are a Christian, but I feel you
have a lot more to tell Kenyans about the scandal.

The same applies to Mr Odinga. The Armenians are claiming to possess
video evidence of a meeting between them and the Langa’ta MP.

What Kenyans are demanding is the correct explanation of what is
happening. Whether it comes from the Government or ODM is not the
issue. We only want to know exactly what’s happening.

Kafian Jirair:
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