Categories: News

Date Of Using Ban On External Cigaratte Advertising Postponed


Noyan Tapan
Mar 21 2006

YEREVAN, MARCH 21, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA National Assembly on March 21
adopted 9 draft laws and a legislaive package which were discussed
the day before. All the drafts, except the draft law on precious
metals which was passed in the second reading, envisage amendments and
additions to a number of laws. Particularly, the legislative package
on making amendments and additions to the Law on Advertising and the
Law on Local Duties and Payments enisages postponing the use of the
ban on external cigarette advertising until October 1, 2006. The local
duties for permission to advertise strong alcoholic drinks and for
poster panels with a blank space have also been reviewed. The package
of amendments to the Land Code and the RA Law on Repressed Persons
which was passed in the first reading, envisages extending the term
of allocation of land plots to repressed persons with the right of
ownership until June 30, 2007. In addition, it is stipulated that
in case of absence of land plots representing the property of the
state and communities, land plots shall be purshased for repressed
persons in order prescribed by the RA government. According to the
amendments and additions to the Law on Licensing which were adopted
in the first reading, the veterinary-sanitary expert examination, as
well as the production and sale of the main and biological means of
plant protection are considered to be a complex licensed avtivity. The
amendments to the Law on State Duty, which were passed in the first
reading, abolish the current duties for transporting the animals under
state vetrainary control, cattle-breeding production, raw materials,
forage and loads from one administrative territory to another. A state
duty in the amount of 200 state basic duties was set for production
of biological preparations, sera and disinfection means used in the
vetrainary sector.

Jidarian Alex:
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