Kobzon And Luzhkov Are Greater Factors Than Our Political Figures


22 March 06

On March 22 the present and future of Russian-Armenian relations
were discussed at the National Press Club. Seven out of the eight
participants of the debate were representatives of the opposition:
Shavarsh Kocharyan, Aram Gaspari Sargsyan, Hrant Khachatryan, Hovanes
Hovanisyan, Aram Karapetyan, Manuk Gasparyan, Aram Manukyan. The only
representative of the government at the debate of Russia-Armenia
relations was Giro Manoyan, member of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation, citizen of the United States.

The speeches of the speakers of the day had much in common. All of
them thought that the Russian-Armenian relations are far from being
normal or satisfactory; the present government of Armenia is to blame;
it is urgent to get rid of emotionality and build relations on a
pragmatic base.

SHAVARSH KOCHARYAN: “There is a lack of mutual understanding in the
relations of Armenia and Russia, because life in Armenia leads to
democracy, and Russia remains a defender of authoritarian regimes. The
Russian Federation is dissatisfied with the course of European
integration, pursued by Armenia, and would like to see Armenia as a
country like Belarus. But we need not fall into the other extreme,
Russia is still a factor. We must not give up our course towards

HOVANES HOVANISYAN: “It has been a long time that the Russian-Armenian
relations are not normal; these are relations of elder and little
brothers or a powerful state and its fort. Our strategic partnership
is a mere document, and the Russian Federation excellently carries
on with the domineering policy of the Soviet Union and backs
regimes. Putin supports the Uzbek regime that has killed several
thousands of people. The Russian Federation is far from democracy. To
set European integration against relations with the Russian Federation
is to destroy something that has not been born yet. And the Moldavian
model (the pro-Russian communist leadership became pro-West, faithful
to European values – ed.) will not repeat in Armenia.”

ARAM MANUKYAN: “Our partners at the Karabakh war now say, you are
aggressors, and it is the fault of the government. The Russian-Armenian
relations are in a crisis. Today’s government has lost not only
the present but also the morrow. The next government, no matter
how democratic it will be, will face serious problems in the sphere
of energy. The government will be at a loss. In Armenia Kobzon and
Luzhkov are greater factors than we gathered here. Their hands are
longer and they have influence in politics. The junk Russian weapons
were taken out of Armenia without taking into consideration the opinion
of Armenia. The government of Russia conducts a policy of enslaving the
country and people. We have become something attached to Russia in all
aspects. The Russian Federation is a factor. Even the wounded bear is
dangerous. However, the wounded bear is bleeding, becoming weaker day
by day due to its anti-democratic activity. It is necessary to have
relations with Russia. I endorse strategic relations; I am against
building them at the expense of our independence and decision making.”

ARAM G. SARGSYAN: “Russian-Armenian relations should be viewed in the
context of the geopolitical situation. Our relations would be better
if Armenia had a doctrine of these relations. We are treated as a slave
because we allow others to treat us as a slave. Russia controls 80 per
cent of our energy sector, which surprises even some political sets
of Russia. The Russian Federation possesses information to coerce our
government. Our course must be determined by the interests of national
security. Our orientation must not bring about dependence from another
country. The Russian Federation conducts an economic policy favorable
for its country and increases the price of gas supplied to Armenia.”

ARAM KARAPETYAN: “There is no slavery in Armenia yet. The slavery of
the government does not refer to people. The reality says one thing:
you will not achieve anything in Russian-Armenian relations by hitting
your forehead against the wall. Can Armenia guarantee its national
security without the Russian military bases? If it could, it would
not sign an agreement with the Russian Federation in 1993. If you do
not take into consideration these factors, you are either an utopist
or an adventurer. The present government have used every factor in
the world. The program of Property for Debt was a political trick.

The Diaspora and the Karabakh issue are enough for establishing
neighborly relations. The United States will not mind.”

GIRO MANOYAN: “Strategic partnership is not agreeing to everything. We
have signed an agreement of strategic cooperation for twenty-five years
and we will go all the way. The Russian Federation has to fulfill its
duties. We are not confined to this partnership; we are free to find
other possibilities. In strategic partnership the strong party always
tries to dominate, which is not acceptable. To change our direction
for the price of gas only is not serious.

It does not matter if you are pro-Russian, pro-American or
pro-European. You have to be strong not to become a toy. And democracy
is the way to be strong.”

MANUK GASPARYAN: “Our government is to blame for the Russian-Armenian
relations, which are becoming worse. Our government allowed
the government of Russia to become that brazen. We must organize
hearings with the interested forces of Armenia and Russia and make
our relations clear.”

HRANT KHACHATRYAN: “Russian-Armenian relations are going through
a new stage of trial. The world will have several poles, and there
will be new geopolitical borders. The problem of the Armenians is to
perceive the moment and orient correctly during the formation of the
geopolitical borders for Armenia and Karabakh to appear on the same
side of the border. Democratization in Russia and Armenia were not
simultaneous. The Russian Federation is a step ahead of Armenia.”