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Primate Galstanian Met with the Prime Minister of Canada

Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; adiocese@aol.com
Website; _www.armenianchurch.ca_ ()


A Canadian Armenian delegation, led by the Primate His Eminence Bagrat
Galstanian, met with The Right Honorable Stephen Harper in his
Parliament Hill office on Tuesday March 21, 2006.

The Primate congratulated the Prime Minister on his recent election,
and thanked him for actively supporting the passage of Bill M-380 by
the Houseof Commons in 2004 which recognized the Armenian genocide. He
also presented a letter from His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

`We highly appreciate this important action’ said the Vehapar in his
letter to the Prime Minister, referring to Bill M-380, `and appeal to
youto condemn all similar atrocities throughout the world that are
directed against the wellbeing of man.’

`We look forward that during your term in office, there may be further
tangible cooperation between Canada and the Republic of Armenia,
leadingto official diplomatic representation in Yerevan’ added His

The Primate told Mr. Harper that he was gratified to hear the policies
of the Conservative government on social issues, and offered his
co-operation towards enhancing dialogue with Church and interfaith
community leaders in Canada.

The Prime Minister showed keen interest in all aspects of Armenian
community life, and had a cordial conversation on several topics with
the Primate and his delegation. Mr. Harper asked Bishop Galstanian to
convey his greetingsto the Catholicos of All Armenians, and to thank
His Holiness for his blessings.

Accompanying the Primate were V. Rev. Father Ararat Kaltakjian, Vicar
of the Diocese; Rev. Archpriest Zareh Zargarian, Pastor of Holy
Trinity Church in Toronto; Mr. Jack Stepanian, Chairman of the
Diocesan Council; Mr. Taro Alepian, Vice-Chairman of the Diocesan
Council; and Mr. Ara Boyadjian, Treasurer of the Diocesan Council.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Bishop Galstanian presented
Mr. Harper with a `Khatchkar’ exquisitely etched in crystal, with
twosmall vials containing earth and Holy water from Armenia.

Prior to meeting with the Prime Minister, the delegation had visited
the Armenian Embassy in Ottawa, where they were briefed by Counselor
Mikhayil Vardanian on several issues concerning Armenia, including the
situation in Karabagh.

* * *

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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