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ANCA: LA Times Calls for US Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region
104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
Glendale, California 91206
Phone: 818.500.1918 Fax: 818.246.7353

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Contact: Armen Carapetian
Tel: (818) 500-1918


LOS ANGELES, CA – The Armenian National Committee of America – Western
Region (ANCA-WR) today applauded the Los Angeles Times for publishing
an editorial calling on the US Government to officially recognize the
Armenian Genocide.

The editorial entitled `It was genocide’ appeared in the March 22nd
edition of the Los Angeles Times and highlighted reports that the US
Ambassador to Armenia, John Marshall Evans, faced early termination of
his post due to comments he made affirming the Armenian Genocide. The
editorial explained that while the Armenian Genocide is a textbook
example of genocide, the US Government has shied away from using the
term genocide in describing the annihilation of Armenians by Ottoman
Turkey due to its current-day political relations with the Turkish
Government. The Los Angeles Times went on to praise countries that
have passed resolutions acknowledging the genocide and expressed hope
that the US Government would one day act in kind.

`We commend the LA Times for taking a principled stance on the
Armenian Genocide, which is a crime against all humanity,’ commented
Zanku Armenian, a member of the ANCA-WR Board of Directors. `The
editorial position of the LA Times joins a growing list of prominent
newspapers around the country that have taken similar positions
including the New York Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune and many
others. This serves as a major blow to Turkey’s genocide denial
campaign and sends a clear message that it is time for the US
Government to reaffirm the facts of the Armenian Genocide rather than
persecute those who dare speak the truth.’

Armenian and ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian were quoted along
with Congressman Adam Schiff (CA-29) in a Los Angeles Daily News
article just one day before the Los Angeles Times editorial
appeared. The Daily News article reported on Ambassador Evans’ pending
recall that was first publicized by California Courier Publisher Harut
Sassounian on March 9th. Congressional members like Representatives
Schiff, Armenian Issues Caucus Co-chairman Frank Pallone (NJ-6) and
Grace Napolitano (CA-38) have since been probing US State Department
officials, including Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, for an
explanation of these disturbing reports.

The controversy ensued following comments Ambassador Evans made last
year. `I will today call it the Armenian Genocide,’ the Ambassador
said speaking in front of a public audience in 2005. `I think it is
unbecoming of us, as Americans, to play word games here. I believe in
calling things by their name.’ Ambassador Evans also disclosed that he
had consulted with a legal advisor at the State Department who had
confirmed that the events of 1915 were `genocide by definition.’

Within days after his remarks and the conclusion of a speaking tour of
Armenian American communities, Ambassador Evans was apparently forced
to issue a statement clarifying that his references to the Armenian
Genocide were his personal views and did not represent a change in US
policy. He subsequently issued a correction to this statement,
replacing a reference to the genocide with the word `tragedy.’

Despite the apparent trouble the Ambassador’s remarks had caused
inside the State Department, the American Foreign Service Association
(AFSA), in recognition of his honesty and commitment to principle,
decided to honor Ambassador Evans with the `Christian A. Herter
Award,’ recognizing creative thinking and intellectual courage within
the Foreign Service. Sadly, as Washington Post staff writer Glenn
Kessler revealed on June 9th, AFSA withdrew its award following
pressure from `very serious people from the State Department.’

ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian, in a letter sent to Secretary Rice on
March 10th, wrote that, `the prospect that a U.S. envoy’s posting –
and possibly his career – has been cut short due to his honest and
accurate description of a genocide is profoundly offensive to American
values and US standing abroad – particularly in light of President
Bush’s call for moral clarity in the conduct of our international

The ANCA letter also urged Secretary Rice to respond in a timely
manner to the series of written questions on this matter submitted on
February 16th by Congressman Schiff during her testimony before the
House International Relations Committee. Among these questions was a
specific request that the Secretary assure the Committee that the
Department of State has not taken – and will not take – any punitive
action against Ambassador Evans for speaking out about the Armenian

The ANCA is the largest and most influential Armenian American
grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United
States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a
broad range of issues.

Kharatian Ani:
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