Quadrilateral Consortium to Reconstruct Abkhazian railway

A quadrilateral consortium will carry out the reconstruction of the
Abkhazian railway

23.03.2006 17:11

Let’s separate political and economic issues: based on this principle,
an agreement has been reached between Russian, Georgia, Abkhazia and
Armenia to reconstruct the Abkhazian railway.

A quadrilateral consortium has been created to carry out the
reconstruction works. The sitting of the consortium will be held early
April in Yerevan.

Armenian co-chair of the newly created consortium Vladimir Badalyan
told `Radiolur’ correspondent that for two years the efforts of
Armenian-Russian and Armenian-Georgian business cooperation have been
directed at separating the political and economic issues. The question
first of all refers to complex Georgian-Abkhazian relations. It is
known that Tbilisi was considering the return of Georgian refugees to
Gali region of Abkhazia a precondition for reoperating the Abkhazian
railway. In fact, after their return it became possible to start the

The creation of the consortium allows to hope that the Abkhazian
railway will be reoperated, which will become a powerful impulse for
the economic development in the country. The economic blockade of
Armenia will be broken with 60-70 percent. Transportation of
passengers and cargoes will get easier. Railway communication will be
established not only with Russia but also with Europe. Many experts
confirm that the reoperation of the Abkhazian railway will bring new
approaches in Armenian-Turkish relations: keeping the border close by
the Turkish side will become senseless.