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CIS and Baltic press on Russia – Armenia

RIA Novosti, Russia
March 24 2006

CIS and Baltic press on Russia


The media see U.S. policies in the South Caucasus as a drive to
squeeze out Russia but warn this could backfire on Washington.

“The United States hopes to remove Moscow from the South Caucasus as
it prepares for a military standoff with Iran… [However,] the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not just a conflict inside the Caucasus:
its scope is well beyond the region because it maintains a balance of
forces inside the Turkey – Russia – Iran triangle. If Washington
tries to topple this balance through its demands to withdraw the
Russian military base from Armenia, this means at least two of three
regional powers – Russia and Iran – could be sent off… Azerbaijan,
on its part, risks being cornered between Russia and Iran if a basic
agreement on Karabakh is in place… U.S.’s drive toward a quick
solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through exerting pressure
on Armenia and Azerbaijan might basically strengthen Russia’s clout
in Yerevan and Baku, rather than weaken it.” (Hayots Ashkhar, March

Ekmekjian Janet:
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