Interview: Zardusht Alizade: Peoples Of Armenia And Azerbaijan Capab


25.03.2006 GMT+04:00

The Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement has activated
recently. However Baku doesn’t wish to hear about any kind of
compromise stating that Azerbaijan’s participation in the talks is
the greatest concession.

The opinion of the opposite side is always interesting. PanARMENIAN.Net
requested Azeri political scientist Zardusht Alizade to comment on
the Armenian-Azeri relations and the situation in the region.

Judging from the publications in the Azeri media you are impartial
enough on the situation in the South Caucasus. How would you
characterize the Armenian-Azeri relations for the next 5-10 years?

With extrapolation of the current situation to the future without
taking into account the possibility of a miracle, the future of the
South Caucasus seems sad.

Without the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict on the basis of
a compromise our nations and states will keep on hostility. No regional
or continental integration will break through the strong redoubt of
national myths and corporate interests of the ruling elite. There
is no hope for “an imposed peace” either. Over the availability of
conflicts the waters in the South Caucasus are troubled and economic
and geopolitical fish is easily caught here

In one of your interview you said, “I am one of few political
scientists who press for normalization of the Armenia-Turkey
relations. Are you optimist about the issue?

The normalization of the Armenia-Turkey relations will have a
positive impact not only upon the economy and internal political and
ideological situation in Armenia but also upon the Armenian-Azerbaijani
relations. The more Armenians benefit from the cooperation and good
neighbor relations with Turkey the less political forces in Armenia
will build the policy of hostility towards Turkey and Azerbaijan. In
this case those, who specialize in “the eternal Armenian-Turk
animosity” in Baku and Turkey, will have to fall silent.

Integrating Europe is a good example. But counter steps are
essential. Armenians are convinced that Turkey should acknowledge
the events of 1915 with all the consequences. Turkey for its part
considers that Armenia should stop being an instrument in the hands
of anti-Turkish forces, first of all the Russian special services
and right-wing conservative parties in Europe.

I am a cautious optimist and I set hope upon the reason and the sense
of historical prospects of the Armenian people. Presently Armenia’s
position doesn’t give ground for optimism.

Which formulation is the correct one in you opinion: Nagorno-Karabakh
or Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict? Do you really think Armenia has
territorial claims from Azerbaijan?

Naturally, I do not only think, but I am convinced in it. Availability
of Armed Forces of Armenia in the territory of Azerbaijan is a direct
proof of those claims. I will add: [another proof is] Robert Kocharian
of Karabakh origin being the President of Armenia, in spite of the law.

Will the time of signing an agreement between the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic and Azerbaijan come?

I hope that an agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, according
to which Armenia will refuse >From interference in Azerbaijan’s
domestic affairs, will come first. After that it will not be hard to
find ways and forms of adjustment of common peaceful life of Azeri
citizens, all residents of Karabakh irrespective of their ethnic
identity. Naturally, provided guarantees from superpowers (how can
one do without these?) and the UN…

Do you attach importance to the role of people’s diplomacy. Can it
play a positive part?

I am convinced that people’s diplomacy has done much good to our people
(just recall release of prisoners of war and hostages). However, its
efficiency is low at the current stage, as united powers of Armenian
and Azeri authorities are against it.

People’s diplomacy is a pioneer, hacking through a path in the
jungles of animosity. No one knows whether the society will follow
a handful of idealists, or well-organized criminal community of the
strong. Greed of elites of superpowers had a strong impact on all this
(in the Middle East, as well as the South and North Caucasus).

Resumption of hostilities is spoken about too often in your country. Is
your President’s disposition so militant or all this rhetoric is
aimed at frightening Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh?

I personally do not believe in resumption of large-scale hostilities
soon. However, I am often mistaken, as I do not take into account
the degree of greediness and silliness of important players.

This year three meetings of the OSCE MG co-chairs were in
vain. Nevertheless, Mr. Steven Mann believes the conflict will be
solved in 2006. What is your opinion on whether he has ground for
optimism or whether he presents what is wishful for what is actual?

It is a question to be answered by Mr. Mann. I am sure that peoples
of Armenia and Azerbaijan are capable to solve the conflict – if
Mr. Aliyev and Mr. Kocharian admit it.