Categories: News

Baghdad on the Bosporus

By Dana Milbank

The Washington Post
Thursday, March 30, 2006; A21

Howard Kaloogian, vying for the Republican nomination in the race
to succeed felonious former representative Randy “Duke” Cunningham
(R-Calif.), just returned from a trip to Baghdad and posted on his
Web site a photo showing a busy urban street scene, which he said
proved that Baghdad is “much more calm and stable” than people think.

But something didn’t look right to readers of the liberal Web site
Daily Kos, who noted that women in the photo were wearing Western
clothing, a couple was holding hands, and signs are in the Roman

Soon after this discovery yesterday, the photo disappeared from
the Kaloogian Web site and was replaced by a notice: “We originally
posted a photograph not of Baghdad, Iraq but from Istanbul, Turkey,
where our delegation traveled on the way home to the United States. We
apologize for this mistake.”

The photo was replaced by a long-distance shot of a Baghdad street
empty of pedestrians. Late yesterday the whole display disappeared.

/content/article/2006/03/29/AR2006032902277.html?n av=rss_politics/fedpage

Nanijanian Alex:
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