Deputy Foreign Minister’s Visit To United States


Azat Artsakh, Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
03 April 2006

On March 22 the deputy minister of foreign affairs of NKR Masis
Mayilian left for the United States on a working visit. On the first
day of the visit Masis Mayilian met with the Primate of the Eastern
Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church (the Diocese of Cilicia)
Archbishop Oshakan Choloyan. During this meeting they discussed the
relations of Karabakh and the Diaspora, the settlement of the Karabakh
issue and a number of other questions. Then Deputy Minister Masis
Mayilian visited the Representation of the Republic of Armenia to
the UN and met with its staff to discuss cooperation. In New York he
also met with local businessmen. The businessmen became interested in
products, made in Karabakh. The minister of foreign affairs pointed
out the interest of Karabakh in the development of foreign economic
relations. They also discussed questions regarding export of Karabakh
products. On March 23 the deputy minister of foreign affairs Masis
Mayilian visited Connecticut to deliver a lecture at the University
of Connecticut on the topic “NKR as a Factor of Peace and Stability
in the South Caucasian Region.” On the same day the deputy minister
met with the dean of the School of Social Studies Kay Davidson
and the teaching staff, and discussed prospects of cooperation
and future projects. Kay Davidson thanked the NKR foreign minister
for accepting the invitation of the university. In the morning of
March 24 the deputy minister of foreign affairs visited the State
Assembly of Connecticut where he met a group of representatives of
the legislative. At the beginning of the meeting John Kirakosyan,
a member of the State Assembly, introduced the deputy minister of
foreign affairs of NKR, after which Masis Mayilian spoke about the
settlement of the conflict over Nagorno Karabakh and the present
situation in NKR. On March 25 the deputy foreign minister of NKR met
with the representatives of the Armenian community of Connecticut
at the local church. There were also professors and students of
the University of Connecticut, members of the State Assembly, as
well as several dozens of Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan at the
meeting. Masis Mayilian made a speech on the topic “Nagorno Karabakh
Republic: Years of State Building and Prospects of Development.” By
the end of his address the deputy foreign minister of NKR called the
Armenian Diaspora for more active engagement in different programs for
Nagorno Karabakh. During this meeting the Permanent Representative of
NKR to the United States Vardan Barseghian touched upon the activity
of the NKR legation and the current plans. On March 26 Masis Mayilian
arrived in Washington where he participated in the ceremony of opening
of the National Conference of the Armenian Assembly of America. In his
address the NKR deputy foreign minister thanked the Armenian Diaspora
for their assistance to Nagorno Karabakh and called for more activity
for the international recognition of NKR. During the short meetings
with the AAA leadership the leadership of the AAA confirmed their
willingness to assist in strengthening NKR. On March 27 the deputy
foreign minister of NKR took part in the National Conference. NKR
Permanent Representation to the United States, Washington, March 28.