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Dashnaktsutiun Maneuvring Between Power Plant And Gas Pipeline



The government of Armenia has not answered the question how close to
the rumors on transferring the fifth generating unit of the Thermal
Power Plant of Hrazdan or 45 per cent of the Iran-Armenia pipeline
to Russia are reality. This helps the political forces of Armenia,
including the national political forces to avoid expressing an
opinion on another attempts of “property exchange” with Russia. This
opportunity was used by the leader of the faction of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation Levon Mkrtichyan as well, whom the reporter
of the Lragir.am asked to express opinion about the possible deal.

“When these rumors are confirmed or refuted, we will express our
opinion,” answered Levon Mkrtichyan. But he does not seem to mind
this exchange, at least the leader of the political force viewed
the problem on an economic plane, underlining the pipeline and the
thermal power plant from the very beginning.

“You know the problem is the following if it is a question of
investment. If we cannot build the thermal plant for years on,
and now the opportunity arises, it is important what type of a
business project it is. It does not matter if Iran, Russia or the
United States builds it. It is a problem, as such. Let us not forget
that the other four generating units belong to Russia, and we cannot
manage to build the fifth generating unit this year, if you remember,”
said Levon Mkrtichyan. He has a similar opinion about transferring
the shares of the gas pipeline to Russia. That is, he also thinks
that everything depends on the manner. “One should know for sure to
be able to comment,” declined to comment Levon Mkrtichyan.

Toganian Liana:
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