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Iran: What Is Allowed To The West Is Not Allowed To Azerbaijan

“PanARMENIAN.Net” analytical department

03.04.2006 GMT+04:00

“Azeris want to unite and create united Azerbaijan. But they should
not even dream about that”, said the ambassador of Iran in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan wants to enlist the support of United States in the
settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh problem and makes a curtsey towards
Turkey hoping that United States will note that. And since Turkey is
still one of the strategic partners of US in the region, the actions
of Azeri authorities are more than “justified”.

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The second world congress of Azeris was really an
“event” for the Azeri Diaspora, which is scattered, uncoordinated
and at times simply harmful for Azerbaijan. It is not a hard job to
bring examples proving the idea: numerous criminal battles in Russia,
odd actions “in support of Turkey” which obviously does not need any
support, though skillfully uses the Azeri factor struggling against
the international recognition of Armenian genocide. Thing that have
happened this time may from the first glance look strange or even
accidental. Statements against Iran, appeals to the people of South
Azerbaijan to unite and finally – announcing that Persian poets are
Azeri poets.

Most likely, Azerbaijan wants to win the support of United States in
the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh problem and makes a curtsey towards
Turkey hoping that United States will note that. And since Turkey is
still one of the strategic partners of US in the region, the actions
of Azeri authorities are more than “justified”. Even more “justified”
is the behavior of Azeris in the light of threats to Iran. It is true,
but nevertheless Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan. Iran accepts threats
quite adequately. Azerbaijan cannot afford things that the West can,
all the more appropriation of Persian cultural heritage.

The mess stirred up after the announcements made by the chairman of the
world congress of Azeris Javad Derekhty about the creation of united
Azerbaijan. In reply to this, the ambassador of Iran in Azerbaijan
said: “They want to unite and create united Azerbaijan. But they
should not even dream about that”.

This announcement was followed by the reaction of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Iran. The diplomatic note from Iranian foreign
ministry said: “Under conditions when Azerbaijan has faced the
problem of territorial integrity, such announcements contradict to
national interests and are harmful for the strengthening of mutual
relations. The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly
urges Azerbaijan to immediately put an end to such actions, stop the
activities of anti-Iranian elements and maintain the amicable agreement
between the two countries. Let us live and see how Azerbaijan benefits
from such announcements. Though I am the ambassador of the Islamic
Republic of Iran in your country, I myself am an Iranian Azeri. In
Iran there is a large number of parties and organizations, which
try to undertake certain actions in the republic. We do not create
favorable conditions for them. Such announcements may create serious
problems in future. It is necessary to put an end to speculations
of that kind. The state should not allow anyone to speak out against
the interest of another country during an official event.

Such people will not do good to Azerbaijan”.

It is not we to decide will they do good or not. But the fact is
that official Baku has already started rewriting not only their own
history, but also the history of Iran. Azeri “historians” seem to
have forgotten that playing with Iran is very dangerous.

Iranian Ambassador Suleymani has reminded once again that everything
written by the former President of Iran Mohammad Khatami about the
fact that Nizami Gyanjevi is an Iranian poet is plain truth. Nizami
wrote and created in Persian. He does not have any literary works in
Azerbaijani. “Azerbaijan doe not have a single proof, not a single
fact that could testify to the fact that Nizami wrote in Azerbaijani.

He did not read his poems in Azerbaijani. He read them in Persian
and later they were translated into Azerbaijani”, the ambassador
said. He also spoke against calling Shakhriar an Azeri poet. It is
noteworthy that the phenomenon of presenting Iranian poets as Azeri
poets began yet in 1960s with the coming of Heidar Aliev first as a
head of National Security Office and later as First Secretary of the
Communist Party of Azerbaijan.

In this connection it is worth quoting the phrase of 19th century
English Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: In reply to the question why
there is no anti-Semitism in Great Britain, Disraeli (a christened Jew)
said: “the English simply do not think that Jews are smarter”.

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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