Robert Kocharian: Armrusgasprom Plays A Key Role In Armenian Economy


Noyan Tapan
Apr 05 2006

YEREVAN, APRIL 5, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian President Robert Kocharian
on April 5 visited ArmRusgasprom CJSC where he conducted a working
consultation with the company’s management. NT was informed about it
from the RA President’s press service. Pointing out that ArmRusgasprom
is a large infrastructural company that plays a key role in the
Armenian economy, R. Kocharian said that the purpose of his visit
is to summarize the work done by the company in 2005 and to become
acquainted with its activities to be carried out this year.

Karen Karapetian, Chairman of the company’s board, Director General,
made a report on the work done by the company last year. Noting that
the volumes of gas consumption are increasing each year, he said
that 1 bln 685 mln cubic meters of natural gas was imported into
Armenia in 2005, which is by 24.2% more than during the previous
year. ArmRusgasprom’s head explained this stable increase in gas
imports by the intensive implementation of the program on restoration
of gas supply, extension of the gas distribution system and the upward
tendency in gas consumption shown by the industry and trade sectors
of Armenia.

According to K. Karapetian, the number of Armusgasprom’s actual users
makes 360,634 as a result of the large-scale gas supply provision
process in Armenia. The company plans to complete the intensive stage
of the gas supply restoration program in 2007. The actual losses
of natural gas are declining in parallel with the growth in gas
supply and gas consumption volumes, as well as considerable efforts
are underway to solve the problems related to the in-house system’s
technical services and to safety of gas use. ArmRusgasprom’s head spoke
about the investments in the system in 2005, which were mainly aimed at
extending the gas distribution network, increasing the number of users,
reconstruction and re-equipment of the gas transportation system, and
enhancing the safety of the gas distribution network. K. Karapetian
noted that thanks to the complex measures taken over years, it has
become possible to make the company profitable and ensure its stable
financial activities, as a result of which ArmRusgasprom is now among
the biggest Armenian tax payers. He informed those present that the
company is implementing some educational programs aimed at training
of experts for the system. K. Karapeytian considered the completion
of gas provision process as one of the company’s priorities, noting
that this year it is envisaged to increase the number of users by
80-100 thousand.

He attached importance to construction of the Iran-Armenia gas
pipeline. He also indicated the maintenance and development of
capacities of the Abovian underground gas depot as one of the
main directions of the company’s investment policy. Summarizing
the consultation, R. Kocharian underlined the importance to the
efficient implementation of the presented programs. In his words,
these programs show that ArmRusgasprom has a good tendency for further
development. “The government is interested in ArmRusagasprom’s being
profitable and having an effective management,” the President pointed
out. He noted that the implementation of these programs will allow to
improve significantly the lives of people. According to the Armenian
President, time has shown that the choise of Gasprom (Russia) as a
strategical partner was a correct one. He expressed confidence that
the future joint programs will promote the company’s development.