The NK Conflict Isn’t Settled In A Profitable Way for Us

– the NA deputy Shavarsh Kocharian thinks.
06 April 06

The Parliament has livened up in the problem of NK conflict
settlement; in most probability the legislative body will be
responsible for its settlement.

Responsibility is indeed a difficult thing and the ruling powers will
try to share that responsibility among each other. But it is still
difficult to say what will happen but the initiation of the NA
commission of foreign issues to get addition standpoint of the NA
groups make us think in this way. The NDP leader Shavarsh Kocharian
was the first to answer to the chief of the commission of the NA
foreign issues Armen Rustamian’ proposal. Shavarsh Kocharian explained
his position in the following way; «There is only a declaration
on the NK conflict made by the parliament in 2001 the meaning of which
is that the parliamentary political powers must adopt such a
settlement of the conflict by which Karabakh mustn’t be the part of
Azerbaijan. But today such attitudes and position can’t be enough
because there isn’t any aspect there. And for settling the problem you
should have a clear formulated aspect in which we’ll need for inside
and outside for the political powers not to have discrepant
approaches. And it is obvious that there are such things. It is too
important first of all for propaganda and for strengthening our
positions and in the international structures as well. We also welcome
the hearings on the NK conflict organized last year and the proposal
made to the political powers by the commission; to produce certain
approaches on the NK conflict settlement.’

Shavarsh Kocharian explained the activation of the parliament in the
following way; «I think this process is late indeed, because
the position of the parliament should be specified. But the
declaration adopted in 2001 didn’t say anything new. There is a lack
of aspect approach. And those officials who speak of Karabakh as the
inseparable part of Armenia, they indeed pour water into Azerbaijani’s
mill because The goal of Azerbaijanis was just it; to change the
essence of the problem turning it into territorial quarrel between
Armenia and Azerbaijan. And they took advantage of the circumstance
that the authorities of Armenia chose that way.’

Shavarsh Kocharian thinks that they should have an aspect approach for
a long time after which it will be very effective to use the
possibilities of Diaspora and realize normal lobby activities.’

Shavarsh Tocharian doesn’t consider real the conversations that 2006
year is the best period of settling the problem; `I have already said
about it even when the cochairmen were speaking of the problem very
positively, I don’t consider that term real for a very simple
reason. The NK President Arkady Ghukasian has described the situation
very exactly, till Azerbaijan avoids of negotiating with Karabakh the
conflict can’t be settled. And the next, the international structures
want to get rid of disturbing circumstances including the NK
problem. And that’s why they make new proposals and that’s why Prague
process was quite different from the former ones because they tried
for the first time to mention both the model of territorial integrity
and the model of self-determination.’

Margaret Yesayan