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BAKU: Poland Desires Nagorno-Garabagh Conflict To Settle As Soon AsP


Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
April 11 2006

Mahmud Mammadguliyev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs received
the Polish delegation led by Peter Vozniak, Minister of Economy of
Poland. Press-Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan

Polish guests shared their impressions about Azerbaijan, and they
exchanged views related available situation in the country, and
perspectives on development. Peter Vozniak informed that Poland
attaches importance to Caspian Sea region with rich natural
resources, as well as the Republic of Azerbaijan. He stated
directly that Poland is interested in regulation of relationship
with Azerbaijan. M. Mammadguliyev, in turn, expressed a confidence to
development of bilateral relations having great potential. He informed
that the both Embassies make all possible efforts for organizing
more efficient activity on this direction. Deputy Minister told that
Azerbaijan being on path to integration into Europe and Euro-Atlantic
organizations, acceded to the EU New Neighborhood Policy, and is being
implemented multilateral discussions for development of Action Plan
within its framework. M. Mammadguliyev informed that Azerbaijan is
preparing for accession to the World Trade Organization, and said
that Azerbaijan has certain economic, legal and natural-geographic
conditions for that. According to him, very soon the Diplomatic
Academy to operate education as well as scientific-research center
will launch. In this regard, M. Mammadguliyev offered to cooperate
with appropriate organizations of the Poland. Pending debates on
Nagorno-Garabagh conflict Deputy Minister said that Azerbaijan is
for conflict settlement by peaceful meanings in accordance with the
International law norms but within the framework of adherence to
the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In turn, Mr. Peter Vozniak
expressed a hope for conflict settlement as soon as possible. Kszysztov
Kraevski, the Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Poland
to Azerbaijan attended the meeting.


–Boun dary_(ID_QtsaQXyDuPpxhHm1SB15WA)–

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