“Armentel” And “Arminco” Companies Dominating In TelecommunicationsM


Yerevan, April 12. ArmInfo. The dominating positions of a number of
companies in the markets of “internet services” and “data transmission
services over leased lines” and “international services of satellite
data reception” were considered by the Commission for Protection of
Economic Competition (CPEC), Wednesday.

CPEC press-service told ArmInfo that according to a survey 213
economic entities have license for provision of internet services,
however majority of these entities do not provide “first hand internet”
i.e. they receive Internet from 10 big providers and directly from
ArmenTel. As regards the volume of the services of these 10 companies,
in 2005 it amounted to 1.9 billion AMD, including 37.1% being the
share of Arminco. Thus, the company has a dominating position in the
given segment, therefore, it was included in the relevant register
of CPEC. “Netsys” occupies 18.1% of the market segment, “Cornet-AM”
– 15.6%, “Escolt” – 14.5%, “Web” – 9.8%. In the market of satellite
data reception, the operating 21 economic entities provided services
worth 454.6 million AMD. However, the maximum share of the companies
engaged in the given segment did not exceed 20% i.e. no dominating
companies were recorded.