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BAKU: Nat’l Renascence addresses Europe protesting unjust sentence

TREND Information, Azerbaijan
April 14 2006

National renascence movement addresses Europe protesting unjust
sentence issued on Ramil Safarov Karabakh’s youth associations to
address international organizations

Source: «Trend»
Author: J.Shakhverdiyev


National Renascence Movement (NRM) has addressed European
organizations in a way of protest the unjust verdict issued on Azeri
military officer Ramil Safarov charged with murder of Armenian
officer in Hungary, NRM head Faradj Guloyev told Trend.

Mr Guliyev said an official address had been sent through NRM
representatives in Switzerland, Russia and Turkey to the governments
of these countries and international organizations. «We have also
dispatched a protest note to the other European countries and all
diplomatic representations in Azerbaijan. In the event of any protest
rallies or campaigns run by some organization we will join them

NRM leader said also some actions would be taken tom protect Mr
Safarov’s rights. Mr Guliyev stressed that the verdict issued by
Hungarian court on R. Safarov’s case is an unjust and unfriendly one.

Kharatian Ani:
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