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Aram Karapetyan Applied To Ambassadors And Attorney General


25 April 06

On April 25 the leader of the political party Nor Zhamanakner (New
Times) Aram Karapetyan informed the ambassadors of the United States,
Russia, Iran, Great Britain and the OSCE office to Armenia about the
April 21 incident. On the same day Attorney General Aghvan Hovsepyan,
the head of the National Security Service Gorik Hakobyan, and the
president of the Council of Public TV and Radio Alexan Harutiunyan
received letters from the same person. On April 21 12 armed men
wearing masks attacked Aram Karapetyan and the cars accompanying him.

The driver and three bodyguards of the leader of the Nor Zhamanakner
Party were injured, one of the cars was badly damaged. Later it became
known that it was an operation of the National Security Service for
illegal weapon.

In his letter to the ambassadors Aram Karapetyan draws their attention
to “cases of political banditry, and indignant with increasingly rough
intervention of force agencies in political processes, anticipates
an adequate assessment of similar actions, which contradict to
democracy.” A CD with photos of people and cars after the operation
of the National Security Service was attached to the letter.

As for Gorik Hakobyan and Alexan Harutiunyan, Aram Karapetyan suggests
that they give him the tape of the operation (four cameras had filmed
the operation) to publish it. The TV company Alexan Harutiunyan heads
announced about the incident and promised to broadcast the tape,
but it has not been shown on television yet.

Aram Karapetyan suggested that Aghvan Hovsepyan suit an action
“against the organizers of this political banditry.”

According to the leader of Nor Zhamanakner, the operation was ordered
by the head of the National Security Service Gorik Hakobyan and his
assistant Hrach Harutiunyan and assisted by the head of the General
Anti-Terrorist and Constitution Department Nanyan and the head of
the Constitutional Department Yepiskoposyan. Aram Karapetyan has
information that the second round of the operation was going to be
a similar attack on the office of the political party, which did not
take place, however.

By the way, besides the CD Aram Karapetyan wanted to attach the
conclusion of a forensic expert. However, the District Attorney of
the community of Erebuni (the incident took place in Erebuni), as
well as the City Attorney and the General Attorney refused a forensic
examination. “Without any reason. This is unlawful. Yeltsin shot at
the White House but never used “Alpha” for intervention in political
processes,” said Aram Karapetyan to our news reporter.

Aram Karapetyan says the incident was ordered by the country’s
leadership, and the statement of the National Security Service that
there was resistance is false. “I told them not to resist, otherwise
there would be more casualties. There were over 300 people over the
place and they, the National Security Service, could have shot. They
admit making a lot of mistakes after having analyzed the incident. The
National Security Service spread other false information that my
drivers and bodyguards are not members of our political party.”

Tambiyan Samvel:
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