Western Diocese Holds Fundraiser for Mother Cathedral

APRIL 25, 2006
Western Diocese of
the Armenian Church of North America
3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91504
(818) 558-7474


Los Angeles, CA — Excitement reigns high as the Mother Cathedral
Fundraising and Celebration Gala of May 20th nears. This significant
event is an opportunity for all the Armenian faithful to participate
in this historic occasion. Under the Chairmanship of Antranik
Zorayan, the members of the committee comprised of distinguished
faithful members of the Armenian community, have been working for
approximately two years to meet the formidable challenge of raising
funds for the Mother Cathedral.

The primary objective of the May 20th fundraiser is bring the amount
collected thus far to a level that will enable the Diocese to launch
the construction of the Mother Cathedral.

The committee is proud to announce that Hovig Krikorian’s wonderful
voice and songs will ensure the night to be an evening of
celebration. Dr. Varoujan Altebarmakian, Chair of the Diocesan
Council, will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the gala.

The construction of the first and only Mother Cathedral of the
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America will soon
become a reality since its inception 107 years ago. The Mother
Cathedral will further strengthen the bridge between the Diaspora and
our Motherland Armenia and Etchmiadzin.

As `Together We Build’ the foundation of our community and instill
wisdom and pride within our youth, we also continue the work of the
late Catholicos Khrimian Hayrig which began in 1898. At that time
with his Encyclical he called upon a handful of immigrants to
organize this Diocese.

The construction of the Mother Cathedral will be a new momentum in
the history of the Western Diocese. This can only be achieved with
the active participation of the Armenian faithful as `Together We
Build’ this sacred mission and project of Armenian life. The success
of this mission will give the new generation a vivid reflection of
our Christian faith and national pride, encouraging them to live a
meaningful life and to cherish the legacy of the faith of our

On Saturday, May 20, 2006 the Western Diocese, under the auspices of
His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, will host an
evening of celebration that will strengthen our faith, enrich our
hearts with joy, and fill us with pride for the long and rich history
of the Armenian Church. `Together We Build’ and together we shall

The evening’s festivities will be held at the Arshag and Eleanor
Dickranian Complex of the Western Diocese in Burbank, beginning with
a reception at 7:00 p.m. in the Galleria, followed by dinner in the
Nazareth and Sima Kalaydjian Banquet Hall.

Attendance to the banquet is by invitation only. For your
invitation, please contact your local church or the Diocesan Office
at 818-558-7474.

For more information regarding the construction project, please
visit the Diocesan website at
