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Indian Armenians observes 91st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

The Indian Armenian Community observes the 91st Anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide

Azad-Hye, Dubai: On 24th April Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, the Manager of the
Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy (ACPA), performed a requiem
service for the souls of the victims of the Armenian Genocide at the Church
compound, near the Memorial Stone dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide.
At the end of the service Fr. Gulgulian addressed the congregation and
reminded them never to forget the sacred memory of our martyrs.

The service was attended by His Excellency Ashot Kocharian, Ambassador of
the Republic of Armenia, the Armenian Church Committee, members of the
Calcutta Armenian community and the ACPA students. The representatives of
the Armenian Church and the Community placed wreaths on the tomb of the
Unknown Solder.

Rev. Fr. Oshagan, accompanied by the members of the Armenian Church
Committee, paid a visit to “Future Hope”, a philanthropic organisation
dedicated to the welfare of children, where 120 homeless children are cared
for. Fr. Oshagan handed over to the representative of the organisation, on
behalf of the Armenian Church, a cheque, the proceeds of which will feed the
children for one week.

In the evening Fr. Oshagan, His Excellency the Ambassador of Armenia and Mr.
Haik Sookias, Chairman, Armenian Church Committee, planted an evergreen tree
(see photo) in the compounds of the Collage, in memory of the Armenian
Genocide victims, which was followed by a memorial evening.

The evening was opened by Deacon Tigran Baghumyan, the Administrator of the
ACPA. Ambassador Ashot Kocharian read the manifesto signed by the President
of Armenia Mr. Robert Kocharian on the occasion of the 91st Anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide. The Ambassador gave a brief talk dedicated to the
Genocide. During the evening the audience was shown a documentary film
dedicated to the Genocide.

The evening was also attended by the Consul General of Cyprus, Slovakia,
representatives of the Russian Consulate, Head of the Cultural Centre,
members of the Armenian Community and the students of the ACPA.

See photos and Armenian text at:

Tavakalian Edgar:
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