Jordanian Armenians commemorate the Genocide

Jordanian Armenians commemorate the Genocide

Azad-Hye, Dubai, 27 April 2006: The Armenians of Amman marked on 24th April
the 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The commemoration was
initiated by the National Council of Armenians in Jordan and organized by
the Prelacy (based in the capital Amman), in association with all Armenian

Raquel Markarian welcomed the attendants and invited them to a moment of
silence in memory of our martyrs. In her speech she pointed out to the
importance of remembering our victims, expressing confidence that one day
justice will prevail.

Masis Guloyan addressed the public in Arabic language, noting that the
Armenians know how to respect their martyrs. He said that our forefather
sacrificed their life and did not compromise their values. He also expressed
gratitude towards the Kingdom of Jordan for sheltering the Armenians during
the Genocide and for providing means for future prosperity and development.
Armenians now are integral part of the Jordanian society and have equal

Suzy Sanjian, Lousin Koulaksezian, Narineh Demirdjian and Alice Babigian
successively performed and recited songs and poems of known writers such as
Kevork Emin, Vahan Tekeyan and others.

The H.M.E.M. choir performed a series of patriotic songs such as “The Adana
Massacres”, “The Exile Song”, “Sons of Armenians”. Well-known photographer
Zohrab presented a series of pictures taken by him during his recent visits
to Armenia and Artsakh (Karabakh). He also conveyed to the public his
impressions on the above journeys.

The main speaker was Dr. Nora Arissian, specially invited from Damascus,
specialist in Genocide documentation. She introduced the recent developments
in the Genocidal studies, underlining the importance of different national
and private archives.

Arissian encouraged the youth to support Hay Tad efforts by collecting
archival material. Referring to the significance of the Arabic archives in
Genocide research, she quoted some of the memoirs of Arab intellectuals who
described the Armenian Genocide.

Arissian gave details about the new horizons opening in front of Hay Tad
(the Armenian cause), in which young people can have greater role.

She concluded her lecture by emphasizing that “our wealth is in our memory.
The opponent today is weak and shameful in front of the humanity and we are
stronger with our will, awareness and the knowledge of our heritage”.

The choir of Saint Thaddeus Church under the leadership of Sevag Chekerkian
presented a group of religious chants.

At the end of the commemoration Nerses Nersesian expressed the hope that
more and more countries would acknowledge the Genocide and humanity would
unite in preventing future human calamities.

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