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Demonstration of Russian Chauvinism and Fascism

From: MihranK@aol.com
Subject: Demonstration of Russian Chauvinism and Fascism


28 April 06

The head of `Center of Right and Freedom’ organization Vardan Haroutiunian
marks in this way the attack on the Armenians in Moscow.

After murder of the Armenian young man in Tsalka our nationalists suggested
to send forces to Georgia. But how do you explain that such extreme calls
aren’t summoned when 6 Armenians have been attacked in Moscow during this year?
The last ones were the murder of Vahan Abrahamiants and beating of the
producer Michael Dovlatian.
It is very sorrowful when people are killed. Following the replies of murder
and beating in Moscow we can come to a conclusion that it is very essential
for us who and where has killed an Armenian. We are indignant, curse, make
summons of war and keeping our dignity and honor only in the case when the
Armenian is beaten, offended or killed by a Georgian, Turkish or Azerbaijani. But
if it has happened in our everlasting friend Russia the reaction is other.
Even public attempts are made to observe the cases of murder and violence of
Armenians in the context of their negative, rude and wild behavior in Russia.
It becomes clear that those affirmations that we are in war with our
neighbors except the one are right. Our malevolence and unpleasantness towards them
is so great that we consider each encroachment upon us as a hostile action
towards Armenia and Armenian people. We have created for us the character of
friend Russia that treat us as it likes and it isn’t known what profits we have
from its friendship. And today, against the background of violence and murder
in Russia we create a figure of everlasting enemy from our neighbors to pass
it to our children as a complex.
Do you exclude that these attacks are usual hooliganism?
It is excluded, that these incidents are hooliganism. These are crimes made
on national ground. These attacks are made not only on the Armenians but on
other nations, too. Russia follows the path of fascism. And the murder of the
Armenian boy, Tajik girl, Negroes should be observed in this context. The
legal proceedings on the case of Tajik girl murder and light punishments simply
prove that Russia turns into fascist country. And our malevolence and
hostility in case of Georgia is so subjective and emotional is so unfair and
groundless that can’t bear any critic. We simply don’t want to see any positive
thing in our neighbors, understand their problems. We try to interpret any
fight, any incidents with the participations of drunken Armenians as our `national
interests’ according to which the policy of Georgian authorities is
anti-Armenian. We try to use Javakq as a club against Georgia and cry about their
anti-Armenian policy. And there is no conversation about relations with
Azerbaijan in the remote future. But is there any difference between Russian
chauvinist who kill an Armenian boy in the Metro and the Azerbaijani officer who kill
the Armenian officer by ax? And compare what different replies we get about
both cases.
Our National Security Service replied to our anti0Georgian declarations and
their authors were warned that it isn’t permitted to feel animosity. What
should our state do in case of Russian incidents?
The state is obliged to defend its citizens and compatriots. Not only the
union of the Armenians of Russia but the RA Embassy to RF should make an
official declaration, and take some steps. But I don’t call to fall into agiotage
and take such steps as it is done in case of Georgia. And now, Anti-Russian. I
try to condemn any hysteria but I don’t understand why our country and
community use double standards. Whether the geographic place of murder is
important in this case.
Are the Russian incidents Anti-Armenian or attitudes towards `Caucasian
Tatars or Tajiks aren’t Caucasian nations but encroachments are also used
upon them. These are demonstrations of Russian chauvinism and fascism, which
are addressed not only to the Caucasians but also to any nation.
Anna Israelian

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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