Oskanyan: After Ramboulliet the negotiations are in semi-deadlock

Vardan Oskanyan: After the Ramboulliet the negotiations are in a

29.04.2006 13:05

`After the Ramboulliet the negotiations on settlement of the Karabakh
conflict have found themselves in a semi-deadlock. Some progress was
registered before Ramboulliet, and today attempts are made to restart
the process,’ RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan declared during the
meeting with the faculty and students of Artsakh State University.

The Foreign Minister noted that in reality the settlement of the
Karabakh conflict and the official recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic are the major issues in Armenia’s foreign policy. In the
sphere of interior policy the Minister emphasized the democratization
of the society and the stable economic development.

Turning to the current situation of settlement of the Karabakh
conflict, Vardan Oskanyan noted,’ Azerbaijan should understand that
that the wheel of history cannot be turned back. Baku should refuse
from the idea of military resolution of the conflict.’

Turning to the regional issues, the Foreign Minister noted the bad
influence of Russian-Georgian relations on the overall situation in
the region.