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US Congressmen call on Ankara to recognize the Armenian Genocide

US Congressmen call on Ankara to recognize the Armenian Genocide

29.04.2006 11:38

The Turkish `Hurriet’ wrote that a group of US Congressmen called on
Ankara to recogmize the Armenian Genocide and to apologize to
Armenians. According to the newspaper, the Congressmen declared that
the European Union should consider the issue of Turkey’s
acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide a precondition for accession
to the EU. The newspaper wrote that Senator Robert Menendes declared
that the US must officially recognize the Armenian Genocide, saying
that those who consider Turkey an ally of the United States should
know that no ally can counter the US with its policy. Noting that 18
countries of the world have already recognized the Armenian Genocide,
Senator Paul Sarbanes urged the Department of Sate to acknowledge it.

Member of the House of Representatives Sue Kelly said that the EU
should demand recognition of the Armenian Genocide on the part of
Turkey before its joining the Union.

`After resolving this issue, Turkey and Armenia may even become
friend; this is, however, impossible without an apology,’ he said.

Member of the House of Representatives Caroline Meloni declared that a
collection of signatures has been launched to address the European
Union to make Turkey recognize the Genocide before joining the EU.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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