GDP Grows By 8% In Armenia In January-March


Noyan Tapan
May 02 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 2, NOYAN TAPAN. In January-March 2006, Armenia’s GDP in
market prices made 266 bln 145.5 mln drams (about 591.4 mln USD),
which exceeds the respective index of last year by 8%. According
to the RA National Statistical Service, GDP index-deflator made
99%. Industrial production amounted to 137 bln 928.1 mln drams,
declining by 4.7% on the same period of last year, while production
without diamonds amounted to 137 bln 271.1 mln drams, growing by
1.1%. Gross agricultural output made 40 bln 202.7 mln drams, growing by
3.5% compared with January-March of last year, construction – 27 bln
863.4 mln drams, growing by 25.1%. In January-March 2006, Armenia’s
foreign trade made 606.4 mln USD or by 7% more than in the same
months of last year. The same indices without diamonds made 506.2 mln
USD and 18.4%. Exports amounted to 184.4 mln USD, declining by 5.6%,
exports without diamonds – 138.1 mln USD, increasing by 2.7%. Imports
made 422 mln USD, growing by 13.6%, imports without diamonds – 368
mln USD, growing by 25.6%. Retail trade made 148 bln 281.9mln drams,
increasing by 13.6%, while services – 96 bln 64.5 mln drams, increasing
by 22.1%. Consumer prices index made 99.1% in January-March 2006 on
the same months of last year, index of manufacturers’ production –
92.4%. The average monthly salary made 55.586 thousand drams in Armenia
in the period under review or by 17.6% more than in the same months
of last year. The monetary incomes of the population amounted to 312
bln 792 mln drams, increasing by 16%, monetary expenditures – 326 bln
800.4 mln drams, exceeding by 18.3% the respective index of last year.