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Sunday, April 30, 2006
It is said that if you have mastered the art of learning, a single letter of the alphabet will teach you more than a thousand classics.
There is only one way to get even with detractors and that’s by using them as sources of inspiration.
An Armenian was presented with a Japanese samurai sword so sharp that it would slice an apple by simply touching it, as if by magic. The Armenian returned the gift with the words: “Thanks, but I have no use for it. My tongue is sharper.”
I have understood the nature of radical evil not by observing it in others but by analyzing it in myself.
Two of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century were Heidegger and Sartre – the first supported Hitler, the second Mao.
Wisdom is not a commodity that you look for and, if you are lucky, you find. Wisdom is something that you never find.
Searching for wisdom is like peeling an onion. After you have peeled off all the layers of prejudice, ignorance, stupidity, evil, and fear, you end up with nothing.

Monday, May 01, 2006
Some of our most fundamental assumptions and certainties have been foisted on us at a time when we could not yet think for ourselves. There you have the source of most conflicts.
We all want the same thing, to be happy; and we all behave as though the only way to be happy is by making others miserable.
All our problems stem from the fact that narrow tribal interests are placed above national interests; and all international problems stem from the fact that national interests are placed above the interests of mankind. Result? War and massacre.
Killing a patriotic act? That’s like saying rape is an act of compassion.
Cruelty parading as wit – that’s how Freud defined humor. If true, humor must be one of the most civilized ways of disarming aggression.
On Karajan (a German of Greek descent): “…despite being narcissistic, nasty and Nazi, he was a superb conductor.”
Saint-Beuve: “Speaking the truth is the best revenge.”
Vassily Grossman (Russian writer): “We are not people. We are shit.”
Lenin: “The capitalist is so greedy that he will buy even the rope with which we will hang him.”
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
One reason vegetarians in the animal kingdom are perennial victims of carnivores is that they develop a consensus only to run away.
A career criminal in today’s paper: “I find the outside more scary than being inside.” He ought to know. The outside is at the mercy of people like him. Need I add that some of the worst serial child molesters have been Catholic priests, and some of the most dangerous serial killers have been statesmen?
Benefactors share their money, writers their ideas. As a community, or a collection of tribes, we respect both money and ideas in equal measure, and the idea we respect most is that money is infinitely more important than ideas.
What do we know about benefactors? Only how much they give. They are an extension of their capital. I once heard a benefactor deliver a short cliché-ridden speech in which he emphasized the importance of identity and culture. The same benefactor to a poet: “Desert people like Arabs may need poets. We don’t!” And to a writer: “I hire and fire people like you.”
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Turgenev to Dostoevsky: “Russia’s only contribution to civilization has been the samovar and the knout – and even they were invented by somebody else.” Elsewhere ( I think in SMOKE), one of his characters says, if Russia were to disappear tomorrow, no one would miss it – and to think that he was talking about the Russia of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky…. But Turgenev being Turgenev, I am interested in anything he has to say, even when what he says is against my own convictions. Because I for one would miss Russia, and if not Russia than Russian literature, including Turgenev’s intensely Russian novels, especially FATHERS AND SONS.
Speaking of Pushkin: Reading him in English, including Nabokov’s English, is like viewing a cadaver. It has been a mystery to me why so many Russian writers worship him. Today I read a few of his lines in a Greek translation and I saw the light and felt the magic – the cadaver came to life, and what life! So much so that I am now planning to teach myself Russian.
Joe Queenan: “A good percentage of the British population are vulgar dimwits who care about nothing but shopping, alcohol, football and Posh Spice’s navel.”
Armenian writers don’t dare to speak freely about their fellow Armenians except in private conversations, correspondence and diaries. As a result the average Armenian continues to cling to such clichés as first nation this and first nation that….

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