Categories: News

RA Bill “On National Minorities” Worked Out


Noyan Tapan
May 02 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 2, NOYAN TAPAN. The seminar organized on May 2 by the
“Cooperation for the Sake of Open Society” initiative was dedicated
to the discussion of the Armenian authorities’ policy towards the
national minorities living in the country and to the discussion of
the bill “On National Minorities”. According to Hranush Kharatian,
the author of the bill, Head of the Department on Issues of National
Minorities and Religion attached to RA government, the preparation
of the bill became necessary after signing of the “International
Convention on National Minorities” by Armenia. She mentioned that the
rights of the national minorities had been already stipulated by a
number of RA laws, including the Constitution and the law “On Working
Activity”. H.Kharatian said that the bill “On National Minorities”
envisages free use of the national language, possibility to get
education in the native tongue, preservation of the cultural values,
etc. She drew attention to one of the clauses of the bill relating to
the formation of the electoral bodies of the communities. According
to H.Kharatian, this circumstance will contribute to more effective
cooperation of the national minorities with the executive power.

Antonian Lara:
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