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Aliyev: nothing new can be proposed on the NK issue settlement

Ilham Aliyev: nothing new can be proposed on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue settlement

Regnum, Russia
May 6 2006

“All possible ways of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement have already
been considered,” President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev stated on May
5 in Baku, Trend News Agency informs.

According to Aliyev, “at present, the Co-Chairs are intensively
consulting each other and considering various conflict resolution
options. And it’s possible that some novelties will appear.”

“I don’t believe that any new proposal may be put forward to solve
the issue. Some of the proposals which are being discussed could
be adjusted. I do not rule that out. If that is the case, it could
facilitate resolving theissue,” Ilham Aliyev added.

According to the Azerbaijani President, his country’s position remains
unchanged. “We advocate application of international legal norms,
and a single standard should be used in this case,” Ilham Aliyev added.

Zaminian Bedik:
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