Greek American Membership Organizations’ 2006 Policy Statement onArm

Greek American Membership Organizations’ 2006 Policy Statement on Armenia

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WASHINGTON, DC– American Hellenic Institute president Gene Rossides
announced today that the major Greek American membership organizations
endorsed the 2006 policy statement on Armenia. Prepared by the
American Hellenic Institute, it is part of the 2006 Greek American
Policy Statements. The major membership organizations are: the
Order of AHEPA, the Hellenic American National Council, the Cyprus
Federation of America, the Panepirotic Federation of America, the
Pan-Macedonian Association of America, the PanCretan Association
of America, the Pan-Pontian Federation of U.S.A. and Canada and the
American Hellenic Institute. The endorsed statement follows:


We support the Armenian American community’s efforts to secure full
recognition, proper commemoration, and a just resolution of the
Armenian Genocide.

In 2006, the 91st anniversary of the Genocide, the Administration
should, for the sake of U.S. interests and American values, finally
bring an end to all forms of U.S. complicity in Turkey’s denial of
this crime against all humanity. The President, in his annual April
24th remarks, should properly recognize the Armenian Genocide as a
clear instance of genocide, as defined by the United Nations Genocide
Convention. In addition, the Administration should refrain from taking
punitive actions against diplomats, such as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia
John Evans, who have spoken truthfully about the Armenian Genocide.

The U.S. Congress should adopt legislation both recognizing the
Armenian Genocide and urging the American people to apply the lessons
of this tragedy to the cause of preventing future genocides.

Finally, Turkey must be pressured to acknowledge its genocidal crime
against the Armenian nation, to come to terms with this chapter in
its history, and, consistent with the Genocide Convention and other
relevant international legal instruments, to make full reparations
to the Armenian people.

We also support efforts to press Turkey to lift its illegal blockade
of Armenia and to end the mistreatment of the Armenian population
in Turkey.

We refer readers to Professor Peter Balakian’s recent book The Burning
Tigris, a remarkable history of the Armenian Genocide by the Young
Turk government in Turkey. Professor Balakian includes the details
of the humanitarian movement of leading American public citizens
and ordinary citizens to save the Armenians.