“This Airplane Will Fall”


05 may 06

The NA deputy Aghasy Arshakian warned in time on the occasion of the
” experimentation” of A310 airplane.

Answering to “Aravot’s” question on 19 of June 1998, Aghasy Arshakian
said; “I want the journalists to appreciate rightly, we don’t burn
out the bridge with our elected president, we don’t want to make
noise in the square, but we want to inform our society because we
are sure if the noise round the ”Armenian Airlines” is hidden,
the ”Armenian Airlines” will be bankrupted and privatized. In this
case the rebellion of the people will be unpredictable / ” Aravot”,
20 of June, 1998/

They were going to it since 1992

Mr. Arshakian reaffirmed his words during the interview with us,
reminding; ”I was simply fighting from 1992 to 2000 to save the
Armenian aviation and now respecting the memory of the victims
on 3 of May and gain sympathy and can’t keep silence and not to
say to what they were going since 1992. The air crash is in that
logic.” Mr. Arshakian considers the accident happened on 3 of May
as the logic continuation of what happened 15 years ago. When the
structure of general ruling was separated giving the food the other,
fuel to another, flights to others and so on. Aghasy Arshakian is sure
that everybody “rise the price of his service and that wasn’t enough
and they decided to strike more powerful blow. I warned that time
that airplane /I mean A310 brought to Armenia in 1998/ was brought
to Armenia not only for bankrupting the Armenian aviation. About 50 %
of flights should be given to this airplane for not suffering damage
as the rent of the airplane cost 725 000$. That means the airplane
should fly 270 hours in a month, which was simply impossible. We
warned that this airplane would cause damage of 6-7million$ to the
Armenian aviation. If you remember the insurance sum was 650$ but
nothing like this happens in the world.


Aghasy Arshakian also declared that order must be introduced in our
aviation; ”The property of our aviation is our professionals. I have
no idea about the died captain but it known that the airport of Adler
was one of the most difficulty airports in the former USSR and the
pilot should have a stage of 500hours of flights. I don’t know the
influence of climate how strong was or perhaps the reason was bad
dispatching work. There is discrepant information about it. Aghasy
Arshakian informed that ”Armavia” has about 2$million to Russia for
air services. The deputy considered important to stress; ”I say all
these because I’m anxious and not for the reason that I’m from the
opposition, I know all these, that’s why I speak about this. And it is
sorrowful for me that people who have been specialized in selling oil,
or producing cement want to be specialized in aviation. Our tragedy
is just this, everybody must be engaged in his business.”


”That airplane must realize Yerevan-Amsterdam flight by which my
daughter must fly. I was informed about that tragedy from Moscow
at 6 am and I was in airport at 7. Then I heard all news and drew
parallels. At the first hours of the crash the fall of the airplane
by 60 degree was being stressed. But now there is no information about
it. Russian media was giving neutral information in that morning from
which you would understand nothing. But when information was spread by
our local media that the airport dispatchers were guilty Russian media
spread a speech of a military man who had seen the exploding. Then
the version of storm was spread in the news field. The 90% of the
whole time the plane was in the Georgian territory and controllable
by the Georgian party.

The answers of the Georgian party about it aren’t been given. We
also learned that conversation about dispatchers of Rostov also had
been. But there was no detail”.


Lack of fuel; The deputy Aghasy Arshakian also had come to a
conclusion for a moment that the airplane was crashed because of the
lack of fuel. The circumstance that the oil in the airport of Sochi
is two times cheaper than in the airport of Yerevan gives reasons to
think. Mr. Arshakian said ”he is informed to such kind of outrage
since 1990 when airplanes were half refueled then were fueled in
other countries. We should notice that the Minister of Defense Serge
Sargsian has denied the possibility of the lack of fuel and that the
fuel was enough for realizing 4 flights.


Black boxes are usually found but there are also cases when they

According to our interlocutor it is simply impossible not find the
black boxes because they have such technical structure which give
signals even in the most difficult places. ” I think black boxes
aren’t found when the information in it isn’t profitable for the more
powerful side”.

Margaret Yesayan
