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SOAD Press For Genocide Recognition During 3-day DC Advocacy Tour


John Dolmayan of the Grammy Award-winning band System of a Down raised
awareness, garnered national press attention on the Armenian Genocide
and pressed legislators for action on legislation condemning this
crime during their three-day advocacy tour of the nation’s capital,
reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). Among the
highlights of the visit were the following: – An unscheduled meeting
with Speaker Dennis Hastert, during which Serj reminded the Speaker
about the band’s past attempts to arrange a meeting to discuss the
Armenian Genocide, briefed him about their ongoing positive meetings
with legislators, and pointed out that the fate of Armenian Genocide
legislation rested in the Speaker’s hands. The Speaker noted that he
hadn’t looked at the band’s letter yet, but promised to read it. – A
series of strategy meetings with legislators on both the House and
Senate sides of the Capitol. Among those they met with concerning the
adoption of Armenian Genocide legislation were Chief Deputy Whip Eric
Cantor (R-VA), Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO); Congressmen George
Radanovich (R-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA), the lead authors of Armenian
Genocide legislation before the U.S. House; Congressman Frank Pallone
(D-NJ), the Co-Chairman of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, and;
Representatives Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA). – The
opportunity to meet dozens of legislators, including House Rules
Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-CA), at the ANCA’s annual Armenian
Genocide observance on Capitol Hill on April 26th. This remembrance,
which drew 40 Senators and Representatives, featured the presentation
of the ANCA’s ‘Voice of Justice’ Award to System of a Down. The band
members were joined at this event by David Alpay, the star of Atom
Egoyan’s groundbreaking film on the Armenian Genocide, “Ararat.” – The
first-ever screening, on April 25th, of excerpts from “Screamers,” a
powerful and innovative new film by Carla Garapedian about the band’s
efforts to secure justice for the Armenian Genocide. The film, which
was enthusiastically received by the Capitol Hill audience, was
followed by an extensive question and answer session. – A series of
media interviews, including an April 25th hour-long on-air discussion
about the Armenian Genocide on DC-101’s “Elliot in the Morning” show,
Washington, DC’s leading morning radio program. – Stories about their
advocacy tour appeared in influential publications across Capitol Hill
and around the country, including the Los Angeles Times and the
Gannett News Service. Congressional Quarterly, the highly regarded
weekly publication, ran a story quoting Serj Tankian stressing that,
“for the government to still deny this historical truth is an absolute
travesty.” The Hill, an influential Congressional publication, quoted
John Dolmayan as saying that he would continue his work until Congress
recognizes the genocide: “Even a blade of grass can break through
concrete, and I’d rather be the grass than the concrete.” – Serj and
John both took part in an April 24th anti-denial rally outside the
Turkish Embassy organized by the ANCA and Armenian Youth Federation.
Prominent among the more than 1,000 participants in the rally was
Alecko Eskandarian, star forward of the DC United soccer team.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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