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Armenian Forests NGO News Bulletin #2

Armenian Forests NGO
38 Moskovian St., apt. 10
Yerevan 02, Republic of Armenia
Phone: (374 10) 54-15-29
Fax: (374 10) 58-20-39
E-mail: media@armenianforests.am

12 May, 2006

News Bulletin #2

This is the second news bulletin of the activities carried out in
ten communities throughout Armenia under the Community Environmental
Action Groups project. The first news bulletin was posted in
December 2005.

Mher Sharoyan
Media Coordinator
Armenian Forests NGO

This bulletin is an update of the actions carried out in the period of
January-April 2006 by the Environmental Action Groups of the communities
selected within the USAID-funded “Community Environmental Action Groups”
project that is implemented by Armenian Forests NGO.

Given the fact that spring is one of the two windows for doing forest
and park establishment and restoration most of the activities of these
groups have been focusing on that during this period. In the summer they
will concentrate on lobbying and other activities including focus on
solid waste and other environmental issues.

1. Tavush marz, Sarigyugh community

Local group had consultations with the director of Ijevan’s Dendropark
Mekhak Sayadyan for sowing yew seeds nearby Sarigyugh village. The
sowing took place on 10-15th April.

The Sarigyugh activists also participated in the cleaning works of
surroundings of Ijevan town’s main waste disposal site, collecting
mainly polyethylene bags. The action was organized by “Young Tavush”
youth NGO, members of which are part of action groups in Ijevan and
Sarigyugh. The action was supported by Tavush governor Mr. Ghularian,
Ijevan mayor Mr. Ghalumian, Director of local <Kar Art> stone producing
enterprise Mr. Grigoryan.

Local Environmental Action Group coordinator has met with the head of
local community Mr. Elarian and discussed the possibilities of involving
funds for fencing the planned Plane tree park to be established near the
village. The local group has also applied to the local World Vision
branch for getting funds for the above-mentioned goal, as well as met
with the Environmental department head of the Tavush marz. No funds have
been allocated yet.

Due to bad weather – non-stop rains and dampness – the care works of the
yews growing in nearby forests have been postponed till May.

2. Tavush marz, Ijevan community

In January 2006 local coordinator met with local
agricultural-environmental “Bardi” CJSC director and discussed the plans
of Ijevan’s greening and restoration. Local activists also agreed with
local “Ijevan” TV to broadcast cartoons on environmental issues.

Meetings have been held with the representatives of local forest
economy, Nature Protection Ministry’s agencies, Ijevan branch of Yerevan
State University as well as local TV, as a result of which a round
table-discussion was held January 29 on the topic “Why are forests
logged?”. The roundtable was broadcast on the local TV channel.

As a result of cooperation with the mayor’s office it was agreed to
restore local Azatamartikneri Park. Armenian Forests NGO (hereinafter
AFNGO) specialists advised upon the types of trees and bushes that
should be planted there. After that the projected number of trees and
bushes (mainly pine trees and rose and arbor-vitae (lat. Thuja) have
been obtained for planting.

March 29 restoration works of the Azatamartikneri Park launched with
participation of the municipality’s staff, local YSU branch students, as
well as AFNGO employees. Some 80 pine trees and 1500 rose bushes and
arbor-vitae were planted during three days, and the care works are
organized by the local group. The event was covered by national and
local media.

3. Tavush marz, Gosh community

The planting and terracing of the first section of the hill slopes
behind the Gosh Monastery continued and was accomplished, and the
planting on the second section started. The planted trees will have wind
and water protective importance for the Monastery and nearby households.
The activists have carried out care and treatment of the trees planted
in fall 2005. They also cleaned a territory at nearby forest from thick
branches, cut stubs and spunk.

A subbotnik (cleaning of area) was organized in the village, the streets
of the community were cleaned by the local youth group. Similar works
have been carried out on the shore of Gosh lake – during an eco-tour
organized for the activists.

Currently the environmental group carries out treatment and protection
of the yew trees in nearby forest (Note: Due to the fact that yew trees
are quite rare in Armenia, any forested territory that has yew tree
cover near Sarigyugh and Gosh communities is under special attention of
Armenian Forests NGO and community groups.)

4. Lori marz, Lejan community

This is the last of the ten communities selected. The environmental
action group members were gathered and local coordinator was appointed.
The most pressing environmental issues of the community have been
identified; and based on their needs, targeted trainings have been
conducted for the active group and a working plan has been drafted.

As an initial action they decided to begin coppicing works of the nearby
forest in the beginning of May. It is also planned to green the
surroundings of the local school and post office, and plant poplar trees
alongside the road entering the village. For this purpose AFNGO plans to
purchase 200 trees (150 poplar, 50 pine trees) and 2500 bushes for

As another issue that will be addressed is the contamination of the
village river with solid waste; discussions with the village
administration and AFNGO specialists are being carried out regarding its
cleaning and restoration.

5. Lori marz, Stepanavan community

January 31-February 2 trainings have been held for the action group.
February 2 the AFNGO specialists and the local coordinator met with the
mayor of Stepanavan Mr. Gharakeshishyan, during which an agreement was
reached to allocate 1.1 ha of land at Ajapnyak district of town for
establishing a new park. Afterwards meetings with experts of
municipality’s architecture department were held to discuss issues
related to the establishing the park and land leveling works.

Following the mayor’s pledge to assist in every possible means, land
works of the area allocated for park started early April and the area
was made ready for planting. Seedlings were obtained from Vanadzor
forest economy, because the prices at Stepanavan’s forest entity were
high. The group planted a total of 200 trees and 1500 bushes on April 15
and16th. The local action group manages the park including the watering
of seedlings and other care work.

The local activists also met with the director of the local forest
entity, who has promised to provide free seedlings for planting on the
slopes of the Dzoraget river gorge.

6. Lori marz, Vanadzor community

There is an idle water-purifying station situated at the Pambak river
shore within the town, which the municipality planned to allocate to
“Asad” LLC for producing chemical substances. The local environmental
group found out that the company doesn’t have a comprehensive strategy
of waste management, which would definitely lead to contamination of the
river. The group undertook relevant measures in working with members of
city elders’ council, in result of which the territory was not allocated
to the mentioned company.

The activists have also inquired about the place and prices of
submitting certain types of wastes (like polyethylene bottles and bags),
which gave the consumers an opportunity to separate their waste disposal
and compensate certain expenditures. The local coordinator has regular
meetings with the local media and comments and gives interviews on the
community’s environmental problems, as well as recommends necessary
actions to improve the situation.

Throughout April 2006 large-scale coppicing works have been undertaken
on one of the hill slopes surrounding Vanadzor, where they plan to
rehabilitate a total of 30 hectares of forest. Particularly on April 7th
and 14th an overall of 40 students and volunteers from Yerevan and
Vanadzor participated in coppicing works, a technique of regenerating
trees from stumps. Two exchange students from Lithuania and Slovenia,
who are in Armenia for cultural exchange program, also participated in
coppicing works. Coppicing works are initially guided and supervised by
AFNGO specialists, and after relevant instructions the action groups
carry out the works on their own.

7. Gegharkunik marz, Sevan community

Major issues in this settlement include town greening, waste management
and having clean lakeshore of Sevan. Following extensive trainings held
for the local group by AFNGO specialists February 22-24, schoolchildren
eco-teams were set up in the town and special courses were held for
women activists. For involving all interested parties the activists had
meetings with the mayor of Sevan and other municipality officials,
school teachers, students, community members, NGOs, as well as local
media. As a result of cooperation, together with local STV-1 TV the
action group has prepared and aired a TV discussion on the topic of
“Public’s role in environmental process”.

On April 21 the rehabilitation works of two city parks began, which will
continue in early May as well. A similar number of trees and bushes as
in other community parks have been planted in both areas, and the nearby
residents take care of the seedlings. In another area, due to
social-cultural issues, guarding of the territory is carried out. The
planting and all other activities are being covered by the local TV

8. Gegharkunik marz, Martuni community

Two action groups are set up in Martuni – a youth group (9 people) and a
school group (10 pupils). The “Martuni Women’s Community Council” NGO,
which comprises the core of the local environmental group, has allocated
a room with relevant equipment for the activists.

The local Peace Corps volunteers, among them an environmental
specialist, expressed a will to assist the group in every possible way.

In February the local coordinator met with the municipality officials to
discuss the possibilities of rehabilitating the city park. An agreement
was reached on maintenance and shared investment for restoring the park.
Following three-day trainings of the youth groups of the town,
preparatory works were extensively organized and seedlings have been
obtained upon the guidance of AFNGO specialists. April 21 the
restoration works started, as a result of which 125 trees and 1700
bushes were planted with joint efforts of AFNGO staff and local
activists. Mayor of Martuni and marz authorities also participated in
the works.

The action group also met with the Martuni branch representatives of
“Sevan” National Park and discussed issues of Sevan lakeshore
restoration. In result it was decided to rehabilitate the protective
forest cover near the shore through coppicing.

9. Kotayk marz, Tsakhkadzor community

Local activists and AFNGO staff have together stopped a case of illegal
logging in the nearby forest of the resort town, and have come to an
agreement with the company that caused the damage to compensate the
loss. The company is to allocate certain amount of funds to plant a
corresponding number of trees (as many as have been cut) and even go
further to assist in restoring another area of forest. For correct
rehabilitation of the damaged forest, AFNGO specialists have examined
the territory, did the relevant planning, and scheduled the works for
May 2006.

Activists lobbied local authorities for allocation of several areas
around the town for additional reforestation. After cooperation with
forest economy and municipality, it was agreed to plant trees on
treeless areas of nearby forest land to expand forest cover. Restoration
works, as well as coppicing of certain areas will start in early May.
The activists are to obtain seedlings in cooperation with the
pan-Armenian tree planting project led by Nig-Aparan Union, which
promised to provide a necessary amount of seedlings free of charge.
Local youth and school environmental groups have been trained by AFNGO
forest specialists for appropriate work during tree planting. Tree
planting and coppicing works in the community and nearby forests will be
implemented by the forces of local action group.

The local coordinator also worked closely with municipality to obtain a
territory for establishing a forest nursery.

The AFNGO specialists have supported local “Forests for future
generations” NGO, members of which are also part of the environmental
group, to apply to Open Society Institute for financial assistance to
conduct research on civil society issues.

10. Vayots Dzor marz, Jermuk community

Local activists have tracked illegal logging of pine trees in nearby
forests, and reported about the case to local authorities and forest
economy. The group members have also witnessed cutting of ash trees in
city parks, after which the municipality undertook relevant measures.

The local coordinator led a group of local schoolchildren to conduct a
subbotnik (cleaning of area) nearby their school on April 22, after
which a tree planting in the backyard and surrounding territory was

The coordinator has also met with municipality officials and agreed upon
establishing a new park on 1 hectare. The territory was allocated for
the purpose, yet the planting works have been postponed till May due to
cold weather.

For additional information or any question feel free to contact Mher
Sharoyan, Assistant Project Coordinator, at media@armenianforests.am or
call (+374 10) 54-15-29.

Karagyozian Lena:
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