We’re Talking Wise Things But We Have What We Have


15 May 06

In an interview with the Karabakh Open Online Newspaper the leader
of the Karabakh organization of Yerkrapah Arkady Karapetyan stated
that we were cheated when the armistice was signed on May 12, 1994.

“We should have continued. They are still cheating. We are talking wise
things, but we have what we have. And we have social stratification,
a lack of ideology,” he said. What do we suggest the world recognizing:
what finance, what territories, and what ideology? They cannot realize
what we want either.

Arkady Karapetyan says we came to realize in 1998 that nation
preservation is the right for self-defense. “Currently, battle for
man, for person is underway in the world. Land belongs to the one
who lives on it. If you fail to organize your life on that land,
it no more yours,” said Arkady Karapetyan. The leader of Yerkrapah
of Karabakh commented on the words of the leader of Yerkrapahs of
Armenia that they will not give up a single patch of land. “There is
stratification among them too. Most of them do not have a cent, while
the rest are well off. I do not believe such statements, because I
think they have, to put it mildly, departed from the ideas that they
had. For the Karabakh Yerkrapahs, we are here, and nobody can make
us give up our home. If a person feels to be the lord of their home,
they defend their home some way. And those who consider our homeland
“a security area,” they are going to give up this land,” said Arkady