Aram Simonian Elected Yerevan State University Rector


Noyan Tapan
May 16 2006

YEREVAN, MAY 16, NOYAN TAPAN. Aram Simonian, the Yerevan State
University Pro-Rector on the Humanities, who was the acting Rector
as well during the last one month, was elected the Yerevan State
University Rector on May 15 with the correlation of 41 “for” and 24
“against” votes of the management council members of the institution
of higher education. The newly elected Rector is a member of the
Republican Party of Armenia. Gagik Ghazinian, the YSU Law Department
Dean competed with Aram Simonian for the Rector’s post. To recap,
at the March 22 elections of the YSU Rector which was held at three
stages, Gagik Ghazinian got 36 votes, Aram Simonian got 20 ones. During
the previous election only 1 vote did not last out Gagik Ghazinian for
becoming the Rector. We must also mention that 7 members of the council
were changed a day before the Rector’s election. It was beforehand
stated that particularly RA Justice Minister David Haroutiunian,
Director of the National Institute of Education, “Orinats Yerkir”
(Country of Law) party member Victor Martirosian, RA NAS Philosophy
and Law Institute Director Gevorg Poghosian left the council staff
according to their applications. Meanwhile, one of them, Victor
Martirosian said that he did not present any application for leaving
the council staff: “They accepted, and they removed.” “I think that the
Rector’s election took place corresponding to the law and in favourable
atmosphere,” Serge Sargsian, the YSU Council Chairman, Secretary of the
RA National Security Service attached to President, Defence Minister
stated in the interview to journalists. Responding journalists’
question how it happened that 7 members left the council staff at the
same time, on the eve of the election, Serge Sargsian said: “This
questions must not be addressed to me as I have no right to change
the members’ staff. But those changes correspond to the law. Those
people who presented applications, left the council.” According to
Serge Sargsian, Gagik Ghazinian’s getting fewer votes during this
election is provided by changes taken place during the pre-electoral
50 days: “People changed their opinions.” “I’s a strict supporter
for the university is an open system, works on an open field, is
open not only for students and lecturers, but also for the society,”
newly elected YSU Rector Aram Simonian stated.