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Grapevines Damaged By About 70%, And Tree Friuts By 30% In Armavir M


Noyan Tapan
May 16 2006

ARMAVIR, MAY 16, NOYAN TAPAN. Prior to April 1, the peasants belived
that the harvest had been saved from frost, whereas now they are sure
that as a result of a drop in temperature they have lost everything
they expected. NT correspondent reported from Armavir that the
residents of several communities of Armavir marz say confidently
that the grapevines were harmed by about 70%, tree fruits – by 30%
and greenhouse plants – by nearly 50% by the frost. Head of the
Agricultural Department of the Armavir regional administration noted
that a commission has been set up to assess the damage done in the
shortest possible time. “Just imagine the state of a poor peasant
who has been waiting for the harvest for a whole year, pinning his
hopes on it as a means to make his living, not to mention the loans
taken for agricultural work and 2-3 drams for each seed,” the peasants
said. “Naturally, this year too the frost will be followed by uncertain
promises to provide aid,” they continue, adding that they know by
the experience of previous years that a bag of flour or wheat does
not matter much. The villagers are facing another problem as well:
the nitric fertilizer, which the government promised to provide to
them as aid at prices lower than the market price and for which they
paid in January, has not yet been received. NT was informed from
the Armavir regional administration that the fertilizer is being
brought into the marz stage-by-stage, and the distribution is behind
the schedule. According to the same source, in all likelihood, the
next consignement of fertilizer is expected to be tarnsported to
the marz next week and will be distributed to communities, then –
to farms. “Now we have no other thing to do but to cultivate gourds
and melons, hoping that this time they will not be damaged by hail
or drought,” the peasants said.

Nanijanian Alex:
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