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Armenia And Diaspora To Tackle National Tasks

by Tigran Liloyan

ITAR-TASS News Agency
May 16, 2006 Tuesday 02:21 PM EST

The ways for Armenia and the Armenian diaspora jointly tacking national
tasks were in the focus of attention at the meeting of Armenian
President Robert Kocharyan and members of the General Council of the
World Armenian Congress and the organization’s president Ara Abramyan.

Robert Kocharyan dwelt especially on the settlement of the Karabakh
conflict and international recognition of the Armenian genocide, the
presidential press service told ltar-Tass. The president hailed the
fact that the initiatives of the World Armenian Congress concentrate
increasingly on Armenia and assume nation-wide character.

Ara Abramyan posted the Armenian president on the work of the Tuesday
meeting of the General Council of the World Armenian Congress.

Members of the Council made assurances that they were ready to do their
utmost for fulfilling national tasks and advanced their proposals.

Abramyan said computer classes in 600 secondary schools and other
educational establishments of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh had been
set up with the assistance of the World Armenian Congress and the Union
of Armenians of Russia. This programme is spread to the diaspora. Such
classes have been set up in the Armenian community in Brazil and will
also be formed in Argentine. Computer centres for invalids, orphans and
children from the poor families have been set up in Armenian regions.

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