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Western Diocese Ecumenical Fellowship

Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
3325 North Glenoaks Blvd.
Burbank, Ca 91504
Tel: 818-558-7474
Fax: 818-558-6333

Ecumenical Fellowship

Upon the invitation of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian,
Primate of the Western Diocese, ecumenical Divine Liturgy was
celebrated by Archbishop Hovnan Derderian in the Kalaydjian Hall of
the Western Diocese, marking the first time in Diocesan history that
such an event took place. The Liturgy began at 10:30 a.m. with the
participation of the Primates and clergy of the Armenian, Coptic and
Syriac Orthodox Churches.

His Eminence Archbishop Moushegh Mardirosian, His Grace Bishop
Serapion, Primate of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and His Eminence Mor
Clemis Eugene Kaplan, Primate of the Syriac Orthodox Church, took part
in the service.

Archpriest Fr. Nareg Matarian, Pastor of St. Sarkis Armenian Church
in East Los Angeles, read the part of the Deacon. Very Rev. Fr. Muron
Aznigian, Rev. Fr. Bartev Gulumian and a clergy of the Syriac Church
served on the Altar. Rev. Fr. Asoghig Garabedian and Rev. Fr. Trdat
Bozigian, who are visiting from Etchmiadzin, Armenia, as well as
Deacon Vahe Abovian and Deacon Mayis Shahbazian, also served on the
Altar. The Liturgy was sung by the Burbank Parish Choir, directed by
Siranoosh Der Boghosian and organist Sirarpi Zirekians. Members of
the St. James Armenian Church Choir also participated.

His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, His Grace Bishop Sebouh
Chouldjian, Primate of the Diocese of Gougark, and around 100 clergy
representing the Armenian, Coptic, and Syriac Churches, were in

A moving moment of the ceremony was when the clergy approached the
Holy Altar in four rows to receive Holy Communion from Archbishop
Derderian and the Primates.

In his message Archbishop Hovnan Derderian expressed his joy in this
ecumenical event between three churches which share the same theology.
The Primate also emphasized the fact that the Oriental Orthodox
council was called to life three years ago and has been chaired for
the past two years by Bishop Serapion. The Primate presented icons to
the three bishops present, in appreciation of their participation in
the day’s service.

In his message Bishop Serapion thanked Archbishop Derderian for
hosting this service, and thus strengthening the ties between the
Oriental Orthodox Churches.

Archbishop Kaplan, upon thanking the Primate stressed the importance
of collaboration between the Oriental Orthodox Churches in the United
States, as is done in the Middle East. He also underscored the
significance of the proper training of our youth in Christian ethics.

Archbishop Mardirosian expressed his joy in witnessing the brotherly
love which was present during the day.

Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Dz. V. Yardemian made a presentation entitled
`The Personal Transfiguration of a Christian.’

A reception took place in the Galleria following the Divine Liturgy.
The tradition of the joint Divine Liturgy will also continue in the
future, hosted each year by a different church.

Ecumenical Sunday School Bible Competition

Organized by the Oriental Orthodox Churches of Western America, a
Sunday School Bible Competition was held on Saturday, May 13, 2006,
at St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church, in Glendale, California.
Sunday school students from the Armenian, Coptic and Syriac Orthodox
Churches participated in the competition that began at 10:00 a.m. and
concluded at 2:15 p.m. His Grace Bishop Serapion, His Eminence
Archbishop Moushegh Mardirosian, and His Eminence Mor Clemis Eugene
Kaplan were present, accompanied by clergy.

Sunday school students from St. Peter Armenian Church in Van Nuys,
St. Gregory Armenian Church in Pasadena, the Armenian Church of
Burbank, and the Armenian Church of Crescenta Valley (Tujunga),
represented the Western Diocese. To promote fellowship among the
churches, students were divided into 16 groups, each containing an
equal number of children from each of the churches.

The competition began by a five minute prayer from the youth of each
church. The First and Second Rounds of competition were held between
10:45 – 12:00 pm. The Third and Final Rounds of competition were held
between 12:15 – 12:50 pm, after which, the Primates of the respective
churches addressed the students and urged them to continue to learn
about our Christian faith and teaching.

The winners were announced during the awards ceremony. The winning
team contained two students from the Sunday School of Crescenta
Valley and one from the Burbank Parish. The day’s program closed with
a prayer.

May 16, 2006
Burbank, California

Hakobian Adrine:
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