Categories: News

American Style The Mistery Of Optimism

Tigran Avetisian

18 May 06

The US State Secretary representative Mathew Brayza speaking on
the possibilities of the NK conflict settlement in his speech in
the Congress on 16 of May declared that the parties were close to
the agreement than it was in the past. “The US positively marks the
possibilities of reaching agreement between Armenia and Russia”,
the American diplomat stressed mentioning time limits of that
optimism. That is “next some weeks”, during of which by the State
Department official’s words “the governments of both countries must
be brave and overcome discrepancies”.

Let’s record a thing; a lot of declarations of different American
officials make us change the classic meanings of some words and
expressions. The most descriptive is perhaps ”optimism”. That quality
resides at Americans and we should argue that they don’t loose their
optimism even in the most difficult situations of the life and they
always smile. It is righter; according to a lot of psychologists
optimistic mood helps to bear the difficulties. Anyway we can’t ignore
that from time to time publicly expressing ”optimism” means a/ that
word has changed its meaning and is used by other meaning, b/ there
are serious reasons for optimism about which we aren’t informed enough.

The possibility of the first version isn’t so big. So we have to
examine the second version. But in that case we face to another
American quality, pragmatism. A thing, which isn’t combined with
optimism. Or maybe Brayza combines it.


Khoyetsian Rose:
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